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Everything posted by ADM1NX

  1. It just seems like nintendo wants to make their own PSP EDIT: Maybe they'll play catch-up and add a GPS while they're at it
  2. I work for a small IT company and my official title is "IT Subcontractor". I've done everything from cable drops to hardware troubleshooting, malware removal, and even web design. I have also deployed VoIP systems, and maintain firewalls. I pretty much do whatever I can, and if I don't know, I ask for help, or look it up on google while I'm there. I actually got the job through volunteering. My school was donating computers to an NPO, and after we delivered them all, I was talking to the guy doing their IT work. We talked about servers and VoIP systems for a while, and he asked me to send him my resume. As for education, I don't hold any certifications, only because i didn't go test for them. I am trained in A+, Network+ and Security+, and my degree is Computer Information Systems. It is not uncommon for people to get jobs through volunteering. Not only is it a great way to meet people who hold good positions in companies, but it also shows that you care about the community, and that you're passionate about what you're doing, which are good qualities that employers look for. Volunteering also looks good on a resume.
  3. sucks for him. he's gonna miss out on my awesome thread.
  4. there's an ipkg for mdk3 here http://fon.testbox.dk/packages/NEW/mdk3_v2-1_mips.ipk
  5. It took many tries to get it to work, but after installing an SD card, i was able to use it as swap space to solve the "out of memory" problem.
  6. the wrk54g is a pain in the ass. you could throw it away, or sell it on ebay.
  7. You might have your password saved in your web browser. You can try clearing it out, or test it out on another pc.
  8. after booting the fon, can you log in over the web interface and check the firmware?
  9. yeah. the easiest way to use freifunk is to plug directly into the fon, or use a switch (NOT A ROUTER!) and start freifunk, set the files, and hit go. then, power on the fon, and it should be smooth sailing after that. what happens is that freifunk will take over redboot upon boot, and start the process. After you turn on the device, redboot waits 10 seconds before booting the firmware image, so freifunk should be able to intercept and start the process.
  10. It's trying to find machstorm on the fon. try using su or sudo in front of ssh, or login as root on the netbook, then use ssh. It's trying to find machstorm on the fon
  11. It took me about 4 months to learn the ins and outs of my debian server, and once you know one flavor of linux, it's really not that hard to apply what you learn to another. Also, if you want bleeding edge software, you could always just build it yourself in about 3 or 4 short commands, instead of using whatever package management system your OS uses by default. Linux is a very versatile OS, and it does have its rewards when you put more work into it. Putting a GUI on a headless server is a waste of resources, but learning to use a command line to complete the same task can save you some serious time and resources. I probably waste more time clicking around windows to get things done than i do typing commands, but that's not the point. The point is that if you learn how to use and maintain a linux system, you'll be getting much more from it than you would expect.
  12. ADM1NX

    Linux Admin

    you'll want to learn to use nano, vim, or vi, and you'll also want to know how to build from source, what "dependencies" are, and most important of all: DON'T LEAVE A ROOT SHELL UNATTENDED!
  13. I actually taped the wires onto the side using electrical tape until I find another solution. i might just end up taking apart the charger and putting a connector on it. I'll let you know how that works out as well.
  14. Whatever you do, don't plug it into the internet. This guide should help to get you started, and even if it updates by accident, not all is lost. Using a serial cable, you can access redboot and initiate the process. http://fonerahacks.com/index.php/Tutorials...ss-Redboot.html
  15. ok, so i got my batter pack from kb toys in the other day, and it works. it's a 6 volt battery, but the voltage regulator can take it fine. I'm not sure how long it will run for, but once i find out I'll post the info.
  16. You should try to hide it in a fake plant, or an existing home appliance or household object that has a little extra room in it. You could also hollow out a book, and put it in there.
  17. I added an MMC card to mine using this guide, and a few pinouts i found across the net. http://www.larsen-b.com/Article/262.html This might help you too: http://fon.testbox.dk/packages/mmc/mmcmodinfo/
  18. You could just crack a wep network nearby and just put in the key. Also, if you install a second antenna, you can set up antenna diversity, so that one is doing all the dirty work, and the other one is connecting to home base, or another AP in the area. I also found an ettercap ipkg, but I'm not sure if it's fully functional. You can get it here: http://fon.testbox.dk/packages/ipkg-new-in....7.3-1_mips.ipk
  19. what are the hardware specs on the server?
  20. You can create multiple wireless interfaces using wlanconfig, so that you can have one virtual interface connecting to a nearby AP for internet access, and another interface for jasager. Additionally, if you need a swap partition, or more storage space, you can always do the SD mod. In my fon setup, i have a 64mb card set up as a swap partition, because ipkg was getting "out of space" errors after i installed jasager, even though i had about 3 or 4 megs left on the flash. The extra overhead is very useful when you want to run programs faster, or install more packages. There is a mod on the dd-wrt forums on how to put 32mb into the fon, but you would have to modify redboot, and the rom file that is needed is now a dead link. Since large SD and MMC cards are a dime a dozen nowadays, you can probably set it up for swap and storage, but it would probably be a bit slow. You might be better off with an NSLU2.
  21. haha i can see the speaker leads! find out how much voltage is coming out of the transducer, and i'll tell you how to wire the car horn.
  22. agreed. every time a round starts, everybody has 1000 ping. every time i connect, i cant move or talk
  23. while unreal is running, right click on it in task manager, and click on "set affinity". uncheck one of the cores, and it should run fine. if not, follow this guide http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=60416
  24. PSP browser works well, but I had to refresh the page to refresh the client list. I'll try it again later with more clients.
  25. Count me in too!! ....or i'm coming to your house with a flak cannon....
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