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Posts posted by dark_pyrro

  1. Since it's not Bunny related, seek help on GitHub. Preferably also not using a forked repo if there is no relevant reason to do so.

    If you read the issues in the "original" GitHub repo for hershell, you'll find one that is corresponding pretty well with your scenario, and has a suggestion on how to solve it.

  2. You have to be more detailed about what you have tried since you have been given two options:

    1) Use serial, but since you don't know what the serial interface is, then I can assume you haven't tried that option

    2) Use Ethernet in some way; so, in what way did you try to access the Shark using Ethernet? Did you plug the Shark into a computer in arming mode, or did you craft a payload and attached it to a network offering the Shark a DHCP lease?

  3. The answer is most likely in your own post

    2 hours ago, H0wl3r said:

    i am connecting through the serial cable not the ethernet adapter


    2 hours ago, H0wl3r said:

    the exact cmd im using is (ssh root@


    How are you supposed to get an IP address using a serial connection? You can't! So, you need to stop trying to combine the two modes of connection and use either ssh via the Ethernet interface or serial connection via the serial interface.

  4. You already reported this behavior using your duplicate user on the forums. In what way did you solve it at that point (since you tagged my answer as the solution)? In other words, you already had this issue before trying all that you've done in this thread.


  5. 5 minutes ago, hackerzero000 said:

    do i have to go to udisk

    You can't be positioned on a mounted udisk if you at the same time want to format it.

    5 minutes ago, hackerzero000 said:

    all files will be removed

    All files on the >udisk< (i.e. /dev/nandf), not all files in the Croc file system.

    However... if you don't want to do that and it seems too risky for you, then you have to revert to what I previously suggested and examine all of what's stored on the udisk and decide what should be there or not in order to free the storage space needed.

  6. Factory reset doesn't touch the udisk, it's left as it is (more or less). To get a fresh start, the easiest way is to access the Croc using serial or ssh and run "udisk reformat"

  7. For some reason, you have managed to fill the udisk storage to 100%

    This is the basic structure of the Croc udisk

    You have to try to remember what you have actively stored on the udisk, either by using a payload (that most likely stores things in the "loot" directory) or tools that you for might have copied to the "tools" directory that hasn't been deleted for some reason, or anything else in the root or directories on the udisk


  8. OK, that shows there should be no real issue when it comes to lack of storage in the Croc internal file system. Run "udisk mount" (preferable unmount the Croc storage from the computer to which is attached, and when saying that meaning just to unmount it, not pull the Croc out of the USB port), and then run "df -h" once again.

  9. You need to focus in your attempts to troubleshoot. That shows the internal file system of the Croc, not the udisk. So, you have to decide where you are short of storage. Is it on the internal file system or on the udisk (to where you are probably trying to copy the update file)?

    What's the output of "df -h" when you're connected to the Croc using ssh or serial?

  10. well... ok, so you don't have enough storage on the Croc udisk, or?! I.e. you can't copy the file from the computer where you downloaded it to the Croc storage device that shows up on the computer when it's attached in arming mode, does that correctly describe your situation? If so, what have you stored on the Croc udisk that occupies storage space? Tools? Loot? anything else? You have to examine every part of the udisk to find what you need to remove in that case. I have almost 2 GB free on my pretty recently reset/updated Croc, so you must have something stored there that isn't originally on the Croc.

  11. Don't understand what you mean; why do you need space for the update file if there's nothing to update?

    Where do you need to remove stuff to store things? On the udisk?

    Verifying the checksum is just a Google search away and depends on what OS you are using to verify it.

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