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Posts posted by dark_pyrro

  1. Try some of the things I told you to do when you had problems with the Croc (ssh and/or wget) to verify that it's possible to get any response from the C2 server on the Shark. One thing to do first of all is making sure that the Shark has the correct date and time.

  2. no problem, if you open a web browser and load your C2 server web interface in the browser (in simple terms "visiting your C2 server using a browser"), can you see your visit in the service status output, i.e.

    1) Open your C2 server URL in your browser (note the time)

    2) check the C2 server service status using the same command that you displayed in your first post

    Are there error message entries (http2) in the status output that correlates with your attempts to load the C2 user interface in your web browser?

  3. The best Hak5 "toolkit" is the one that fits your business plan. What services is your company going to offer your clients/customers? If you don't know, then the answer would probably be "None" or "All of them". You have to be more specific about what you want to do in order to be specific about what devices that would be suitable.

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  4. You need to QUACK the DELAY lines as well as ENTER

    Also, I'd suggest using QUACK instead of Q. Q is the same as QUACK, but I (and others) have experienced strange behavior using Q. I haven't been digging any deeper into that as to why that might be the case, but I always use QUACK instead of Q.

    There are other things in that payload that will need adjustment, but you will find that out.

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