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Posts posted by dark_pyrro

  1. A full capture contains all EAPOL messages (M1->M4) along with a beacon frame, as the docs visualize


    Partial captures doesn't contain everything of the above, but can still be possible to crack. You will need at least M2, preferably along with M1 or M3.

    If you get a full capture, then use it. Otherwise, just try to crack it with what you got. Use the Hashcat format if you plan to use Hashcat (obviously).

    There are tons of info out there about how handshakes work and the Pineapple isn't unique in any way in that sense.

  2. I guess you have to time your clicks better. If you can't get it working, just remove the Micro SD card and insert it in some device (computer) using a Micro SD card adapter and delete the inject.bin file (or rename it if you want to keep it for some reason) and then re-insert the Micro SD card into the Ducky.

  3. 1 hour ago, rowie said:

    my keycroc is on the latest fimware

    and that is 1.4?

    1 hour ago, rowie said:

    Would it be possible to update the OS from keycroc to something current stable

    Anything is possible, but if you mean using something else than the current Debian version, the answer is no (if you don't care to involve yourself in a ton of work).


    Do you have any other Hak5 devices that successfully connects to your C2 server?

    In what way are you running your C2 server? Locally, self hosted on the internet, or some VPS (or such)?

    Are you running the C2 server manually or as a service?

    What command line are you using to start the server? (Don't post any IP address or domain name that you might not want to share)

    The device.config file is in the correct place on the Croc?

    Is the cc-client error log file in /tmp on the Croc showing any errors?

    What happens if you try to ssh from the Croc to the C2 server on port 2022? It won't let you log in but it will at least "reply" if things are working as it should.

  4. So, it wasn't actually doing a successful factory reset then (given the LED pattern you describe).

    Regarding the factory reset process. Can you confirm that you did unplug the Bunny 4 (four) times when the green LED turns off. Just so that I can be sure you understood the instructions in the documentation correctly. The reason why I'm asking is that Bunny users have misunderstood the instructions before and just unplugged it 3 (three) times in total which is not enough for a factory reset. The below (that you quoted from the documentation) is a total of 4 (four) times, not 3 (three).

    8 hours ago, lllooo said:
    2.Plug the Bash Bunny into a USB port and unplug it immediately after the green LED turns off
    3.Repeat step #2 three times


  5. 8 hours ago, lllooo said:

    There were no operational errors following the official instructions

    OK, judging from your comment, the factory reset is successful then and you get the "police LED" for the set amount of minutes.

    8 hours ago, lllooo said:

    Fault reason: (apt update&&apt y full upgrade) has been updated once and will no longer be usable

    In what way do you get this? What does it come from? If the Bunny isn't possible to be accessed, there should be no way of getting any error message from it.

    8 hours ago, lllooo said:

    apt y full upgrade

    A specific comment about this; you shouldn't ever do a Debian upgrade on the Bunny since it possibly will break features of the Bunny. It won't fully break it, but you might run into issues that makes it necessary to factory reset it.

  6. Attach the 5 GHz adapter to the Pineapple

    Make sure that PineAP is using wlan1 (configure that in the web UI)

    Make a copy of /etc/config/wireless (just as a backup)

    Edit /etc/config/wireless

    Remove any entries related to radio3 and wlan3 (most likely at the bottom of the file)
    You could leave them and change what's already there, but it will most likely end up in a mess if you don't know what you're doing

    Copy the sections covering radio0 and wlan0 (NOT! wlan0-1, wlan0-2, etc) at the top of the file and paste it in at the bottom

    Change the pasted section so that every occurrence of radio0 becomes radio3

    Change the wifi-device section for the newly created radio3 so that; hwmode is set to 11a, channel is set to something relevant to 5 GHz and that the path is correct for the device, htmode can also be changed if desired

    Regarding the path, verify it by running
    ll /sys/class/net
    make sure any path that is copied starts from "platform" and doesn't include the trailing "/net/wlan3"

    In the newly pasted wifi-iface section, change wlan0 to wlan3, set a relevant ESSID and change the MAC address

    reboot the Pineapple or restart wireless/networking

    try to connect to the 5 GHz open AP from a device of choice

    iptables rules might be needed in order to access the Pineapple itself
    using the internet (if the Pineapple itself has internet access), should work without any firewall rules added
    (or change /etc/config/firewall)

  7. I wouldn't say it's impossible. Setting up a 5 GHz adapter is for sure possible. The question is if you want it to still be useful to PineAP. I think the question is too wide and needs to be narrowed down. Do you want to use the MK7 AC adapter for recon (and such) and also broadcast an open 5 GHz AP with Pineapple features and functionality? Or, do you just want to set up a 5 GHz open AP (not linked to the already existing open AP of the Pineapple). There is a difference. To retain the Pineapple features, you will need to do some more in depth tweaking (and perhaps two 5 GHz adapters). To just add the adapter and broadcast an open 5 GHz AP will need less tweaking (and is less likely to break out-of-the-box functionality).

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