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Posts posted by dark_pyrro

  1. Not sure if you got it working or not.

    There shouldn't be any issues running either opkg update or installing packages.

    Try to connect the Pineapple to some alternative network in the case that you can ping different websites from the Pineapple, but not install things.

    I guess it's more likely that it's something in the infrastructure surrounding your specific Pineapple that is the root cause, and not the resources that opkg is trying to use (since I've been using them successfully many times and also quite recently, last time when responding to your first post and found nothing strange, everything worked as expected).

  2. It depends, if it's 5 GHz, it could most likely be possible, at least temporarily, but it also would potentially put you in a position that is close to (or *is*) creating a DoS scenario which probably is illegal in a lot of countries.

  3. Still you haven't got the admin password to change things.

    But... if you can't control the main router, why not add a second one ("behind" the main router) that you actually can control and do the settings you desire to do?

  4. Equipment is less important, knowledge is higher up on the ladder. If you don't know what to do, then equipment won't help you do a good job. If you have the knowledge, you know what equipment you need.

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  5. Yes, it can act as a keyboard and inject keystrokes (but that's not the same thing as keylogging)

    Just by attaching the cable to the phone doesn't make it start to "tap" keystrokes when the "internal" on-screen phone keyboard is used

    The keylogging needs a physical attached external keyboard where the cable sits in-line between the external keyboard and the phone/device (but you have already gotten that answer in this thread)

    You also need to connect the active end to the target device ("To successfully keylog, you need to physically connect the active end to the target host.")

    External keyboard       <->        O.MG cable      <->     Phone (or whatever device that is used)

    Keys entered on the external keyboard         >>>     Keys captured by the cable  >>>    Entered keys shown/"inserted" on device just as if nothing has happened


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