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Posts posted by dark_pyrro

  1. Regarding

    1 hour ago, NickBeanDNB said:

    Jan 17 17:12:22 ip-x c2-3.3.0_amd64_linux[11411]: [!] Error starting SSH server: listen tcp bind: address already in use

    you need to check and verify what I said in the beginning of this thread when getting that error. I.e. you can't have other things running on the VPS on port 2022 at the same time as C2 (or multiple instances of C2, or anything else that might use port 2022).

    Check your running processes (ps ax) and/or what ports that are used by running processes ( sudo ss -tulpn | grep 2022 or sudo netstat -tulpn | grep 2022 )

  2. As I said before

    On 1/15/2024 at 5:26 PM, dark_pyrro said:

    Running with "https", colon and slashes included in the hostname will most likely not work

    The same goes with anything used to specify the hostname parameter

    So, if the A record that resolves the domain name to the public IP address of the Lightsail VPS where C2 is running is "mydomainname.com" (without the quote marks), you have to use that (and that alone) along with the hostname parameter, nothing else. Don't add any http or https, any colons, or any slashes.

    I.e. not

    -hostname http://mydomainname.com/


    -hostname https://mydomainname.com/

    but instead only

    -hostname mydomainname.com


    All in all, something like

    ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/c2-3.3.0_amd64_linux -hostname mydomainname.com -https -db /var/cloudc2/c2.db


  3. The machine where you run C2; is it possible to access it from the internet? I.e. is it a public VPS or a resource on an internal/private network behind a firewall? More info needed about that to be able to troubleshoot things correctly.

    Is the new domain possible to resolve to the relevant IP address where C2 is running?

    Are port(s) open in any firewall that is needed by Let's Encrypt?

  4. That's for sure an old firmware version. Seems like no one has used that Nano since the model was first released.

    The domain should be up, but I haven't used (or upgraded) my Nano for quite a while now so some parts of it might have been taken down.

    I guess it should be possible to use splitweb and sysupgrade on the Nano just like on the Mark VII (and other OpenWrt based devices) to do a manual upgrade.

  5. The answer is most likely some posts up this thread. The output in your post shows that it's the v2 variant of the TL-WN722N adapter and that is based on the RTL8188 chipset, not the Atheros one (that comes with the 1.x version). So, those who say that their TL-WN722N adapter works probably has got the 1.x version and those who experience issues have some other version of the same adapter "model" with an incompatible chipset (or at least a chipset with missing drivers).

  6. 21 minutes ago, NickBeanDNB said:

    Error starting SSH server: listen tcp bind: address already in use

    Check the ports already in use on your system. Also, check processes in the case you might have a C2 instance already running.

    22 minutes ago, NickBeanDNB said:

    sudo ./c2-3.3.0_amd64_linux -hostname https://X/

    Running with "https", colon and slashes included in the hostname will most likely not work. I also assume that the "X" is just a temp replacement for an actual valid hostname (and not an IP address). If https is going to be used, IP addresses isn't going to work if using the built-in Let's Encrypt support. If using https without the built-in support, then more parameters are needed to get it working.

  7. Probably a question for the Pineapple section of the forums, and... probably something one should avoid since "use it walking around to use man in the middlle or evil twin attacks" most likely is illegal in any civilized country if it's being made on resources that you don't have explicit permission to do so.

  8. OK, I understand

    2 hours ago, Jason Boreno said:

    I used Jakobys PowerShell-to-ducky-converter to convert PowerShell functions to ducky

    That, however, doesn't convert anything to DuckyScript as I see it. So my question remains; what tool are you using to encode the DuckyScript code to an inject.bin file that the Ducky can execute?

    2 hours ago, Jason Boreno said:

    I've only seen it use the US keyboard (Target keyboard)

    That doesn't really answer my question about if the keyboard language used when encoding the DuckyScript payload is corresponding to the keyboard language used by the intended target. So, is the target Windows computer using a US keyboard layout?

    2 hours ago, Jason Boreno said:

    what exactly is throwing the error in the plane text ducky?

    From what I can tell by looking at the output posted, it seems as if line feeds aren't handled correctly. That's why I'm asking about keyboard layouts. It doesn't really look like that might be the issue, but I have to ask to rule that out of it all.


    And my last question; are you using a true/original/official Hak5 USB Rubber Ducky (first generation) when doing all of this?

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