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Posts posted by dark_pyrro

  1. 37 minutes ago, Albert van Harten, What The Hack Aps said:

    Danish companies have no idea what is on their network.

    I would dare to disagree with such a generalization. I'm pretty sure there are organizations in Denmark that has (at least some) kind of control. I can't imagine that 802.1X is totally absent in Denmark. Hamlet isn't always correct about every aspect of that country.

    45 minutes ago, Albert van Harten, What The Hack Aps said:

    So I would like to be able, to connect a little network tapping to a unattended outlet, connect a power bank to the tapping device, and connect to the device using Wi-Fi, while sitting in the office of the CEO.

    What are you going to listen to? I assume they have switched networks and not hubs broadcasting traffic everywhere. What are you going to show the CEO? Packet captures?


    EU organizations will most likely get a bitter pill to swallow when the NIS2 directive becomes domestic law in the member states on the 17th of October 2024. If they haven't done their homework, the risk is that it will be costly if they get reported or caught not being compliant when being scrutinized. Instead of showing some "tech based arguments", I would start educating the organization (and with top management as a priority) to make it clear to them what could happen if they aren't compliant. That will then lead to technical actions needed, preferably based on some method/model like ISO27000, NIST Framework, and/or CIS Controls.

  2. The Plunder Bug has no WiFi built in.

    It depends on the use case and what's desired, but using some alternative hardware would most likely not be that much of a challenge. Especially taking into account your profession and the type of company you run. You should have the knowledge needed.

    If speaking of Hak5 devices, it could probably be possible to use a slightly modded Packet Squirrel to achieve "Plunder Bug-like features" along with WiFi capabilities. Note that the Squirrel doesn't have WiFi out of the box but it's possible to add it. However, and as said, it all depends on the use case and it wouldn't be exactly like a Plunder Bug.

  3. OK... doing it from scratch...

    - Cloud C2 running on a Ubuntu 20.04.x LTS machine
    - Packet Squirrel Mk1 on fw 3.2
    - Cloud C2 and Packet Squirrel both on local network (Cloud C2 server =

    Download the Cloud C2 binary to the Ubuntu machine (verify the sha256 checksum of the downloaded file)
    wget https://downloads.hak5.org/api/devices/cloudc2/firmwares/3.3.0-stable -O c2.zip

    Unpack the zip file

    Create a private/public key pair on the Ubuntu machine
    openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -x509 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -out c2-publ.crt -keyout c2-priv.key
    NOTE! Be sure to use the address of the Cloud C2 server for the Common Name field when creating the key pair, in this case

    Start the Cloud C2 server using the keys created
    sudo ./c2-*_amd64_linux -hostname -https -keyFile ./c2-priv.key -certFile ./c2-publ.crt

    Visit the Cloud C2 web UI, do the initial Cloud C2 setup, and add the Packet Squirrel device

    Create a device.config file for the Packet Squirrel using the Cloud C2 web UI and download the device.config file from the Cloud C2 server

    (The copying/scp of the files below can be made in different ways, here, it's done connecting to the Packet Squirrel in "arming mode" switch position to a computer, then the Packet Squirrel will be moved to the network where it will interact with the Cloud C2 server)

    Copy the device.config file to /etc on the Packet Squirrel
    scp device.config root@

    Copy the public key file (never copy the private key!) to /etc/ssl/certs on the Packet Squirrel
    scp c2-publ.crt root@

    ssh into the Packet Squirrel and add the public key to the already existing ca-certificates.crt file on the Packet Squirrel
    cat /etc/ssl/certs/c2-publ.crt >> /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

    (Move the Packet Squirrel to the network where the Cloud C2 server is running, if it hasn't already, and connect the Packet Squirrel to that network using the "WAN" Ethernet port)

    If the Cloud C2 Ubuntu based machine is running any local firewall, make sure to allow the relevant ports for Cloud C2

    The Packet Squirrel should now show as online in the Cloud C2 web UI

  4. it's because the Shark hasn't got any RTC so it will revert to something it knows (which isn't the correct date or the date you last set it to). If it has got internet connection (which isn't always the case) you could run ntpd to get the date and time from the internet. But if it's offline, it will behave like that (i.e. revert to that date you posted which most likely is linked to when the firmware was created since 1.2.0 has that specific date stamp on files and directories).

  5. It's because the URL used in the UPDATE_PAYLOADS script file is https based and curl just throws an error back (that you can't see since it's set up to execute silently) if the date/time is wrong which results in the fact that the tar.gz file isn't downloaded which is why you get those errors. The script file can't really handle that though and it gets a bit confusing since it says that things are successful.

    • Upvote 1
  6. If you refer to the Kali password, the reason to why that password fails is most likely because Kali has "evolved" since that video/tutorial was created. It doesn't use default/predefined credentials anymore, but something that you set yourself during setup/installation.

  7. 14 hours ago, natosama said:

    on Kali, and PC I proceeded to change to an static IP Address

    Is Kali running on bare metal, or in a VM?

    14 hours ago, natosama said:

    then proceeded to connect to and

    None of those URL:s will work for the recovery, use

  8. You need to get the source code, set up an environment where you can build/compile the source for the relevant target architecture and create the binary needed. Note though that it's not for sure that the source code is compatible with the architecture used, so that has to be established as well. There is information available (OpenWrt web site and other places) that describes how to write and compile code and create binaries/packages.

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