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Posts posted by dark_pyrro

  1. I haven't verified it against any CAFR keyboard layout specifically, but I know that other keyboard layouts/languages that uses the same kind of "logic" works when using the Ducky. I.e. if you only press the key representing the ^ char, then nothing happens. But if you press space or the e key after ^ has been pressed, then it either outputs ^ or ê.

    Something like

    STRING ^
    REM or
    STRING ^
    STRING e


  2. Anything that relates to the Turtle being able to reach the VPS using ssh. I.e. the things that already has been mentioned in this thread; Lightsail firewall and OS firewall (if used).

  3. It would be a good thing if you could try to catch specific (detailed) scenarios where it fails. That makes it possible to try to reproduce it step by step to see if the same thing happens in other installations/setups.

  4. The public one is the correct answer. The Turtle has no chance to connect on the private one. That address isn't possible to use on the internet. It's internal for the Amazon services.

  5. In what way are you connected to the Turtle when you try to ssh into it? USB side or RJ45 side?

    What command are you using when trying to ssh into the Turtle?

    Is it possible to ping the Turtle (on from the computer that the Turtle is connected to?

    What IP address does the computer (to which the Turtle is connected) get from the Turtle?

  6. I guess there's both a "knowledge issue" involved in all of this as well as some lack of insight into how you try to use your Turtle.

    To access and configure the Turtle, you normally do that using the USB side of the Turtle. Not the RJ45 side since you can't reach the Turtle using ssh (not to be mixed up with the autossh module) since the port isn't open on that interface for ssh (port 22).

    So, configure the module with the Turtle connected to a computer using the USB interface. Then run the autossh module with the Turtle connected to a network as a client using the RJ45 side of the Turtle (the network of course needs to have access to where the server is located from where you want to connect to the Turtle remotely using the "autossh tunnel").

  7. You echo back way too little information to be able to follow what you are trying and what you have changed/done in your environment. That just makes the troubleshooting more difficult than what it needs to be.

    So, did you just try to blindly run the ssh command once again (against localhost), or did you do it after changing something (for example what I suggested when saying to follow the post I linked)?

  8. 16 minutes ago, Joao Almeida said:

    no i dont have

    Then there's no way that you will be able to ssh into the Turtle using the "tunnel" that autossh should have created for you. It has to be up and running on the Turtle for that to happen.

    13 minutes ago, Joao Almeida said:

    one of the things that appears is " 1367     root    3708   sshd: root@pts/0

    That's most likely the "ordinary" ssh daemon that normally runs on the Turtle

  9. You could set up ICS and use the USB side, but that isn't optimal at all if you ask me and not that usable if just in need of running the Turtle as an "access box" on a network.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Joao Almeida said:

    when i do this commands the lan turtle needs to beconnect on a wifi router? or could be just in  my computer with the usb?

    There's no WiFi involved when it comes to the Turtle, but you need to connect it using the RJ45 side to a switch port (or equivalent) that offers internet access (using an Ethernet cable obviously).

  11. You have to be more detailed about the setup. Is ssh even installed/active/running?

    1 minute ago, Joao Almeida said:

    the port 22 on firewall is open too

    "open too", where? iptables in Ubuntu and/or the Lightsail firewall?

  12. I have no idea how/why you were able to get netcat working, but checking the OS firewall shouldn't be enough to get things working on a Lightsail VPS, you need to open ports in the Lightsail firewall as well.

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