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Posts posted by dark_pyrro

  1. Well, there's nothing called portal-login. I guess the instructions are just referring to "portal" in "portal-login" as one of the portals available in the repo, for example: "google-login"

    • Upvote 1
  2. It's of course possible to change the IP range, it's just OpenWrt. Nothing I would recommend though since I prefer to keep things using the default settings.

    Removing the already existing stuff from known_hosts (or equivalent name depending on OS) isn't that annoying, I do it all the time when flipping between devices.

  3. Difficult to say. It sounds like the boot loop the Bunny was affected by way back, but it's not possible to use the same procedure to try to get the Croc out of any loop (if it's really a boot loop). Could be that the firmware/update file is stuck on the udisk for some reason and therefore the Croc tries to update every single time it's booting up. A factory reset/recovery won't help, most likely, since the udisk is left untouched (at least the majority of it) after an update or factory reset, so any "garbage" firmware file will still be there. I'd suggest submitting a support ticket.

  4. 1 hour ago, bas112 said:

    when clients automatically connect to the network

    In what way do they automatically connect? Did they connect before to the Evil Portal or are they "first time users"? Are the IP address that the device gets listed in the "authorized" (can't remember at the moment if that's what it's actually called) list box? What does iptables say? What IP addresses are listed as allowed?

  5. I have a payload script that (probably) does what you are looking for. It doesn't blink in the way you describe it, but writes to a loot file (however, it uses the LED to tell in what "state" it is as it loops through the functionality of the payload). It was in "early alpha" state though since I had the idea a long time ago but really didn't finish it. I took a quick look at it now and made some adjustments and it seems to work. There are more things that needs to be developed further in detail but it is possible to use with the SJC (cable based Shark) and prints to a loot file as well as optional log file for more info and also to the serial console if the SJC is attached to a phone or other kind of device that can monitor the serial output. It also has some functionality for Cloud C2 exfiltration, but I haven't had the time to test that yet. It should also run on the battery based Shark, but I had some ideas on implementing battery related functionality and that isn't in the payload at all at the moment. I can share the code a bit later on if I get the time to do it.

  6. In what way does it repeat things? Is it doing red, blue, green, white all the time in some kind of endless loop or does it "sit" on some color at some point (for example stays on white)? What happens if you try to enter arming mode? What firmware where you on when upgrading and what did you try to upgrade to (1.3 > 1.4 or something else)? What part of the factory reset procedure didn't work?

    • Thanks 1
  7. 6 hours ago, apauloson said:

    I'm writing a program for a USB rubber ducky to mass-add google autocorrect settings

    What target OS is used, application used (Google Docs, or similar, I guess?), target language settings in PayloadStudio for the payload (if not US language)?

    Any part of the payload code is always helpful when troubleshooting in order to find any errors in code, or trying to reproduce the error

  8. I would suggest reading the official documentation instead so that you get the correct information about how things work




    Try this

    DELAY 3000
    GUI r
    DELAY 1000
    STRINGLN cmd
    DELAY 3000
    STRINGLN ipconfig


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