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Posts posted by dark_pyrro

  1. Did you try what I posted about formatting. You say that you use the formatting in the Nano UI and in my post I say to not do that; did you try that variant? Make sure your MicroSD card has only a single, unnamed partition and is formatted with EXT4. Also try different cards just to rule out the possibility that the card used is faulty. Users have reported issues with the Nano when it comes to MicroSD card handling, but I didn't ever have any real issues myself during the years that I actively used the Nano.

  2. Note that C2 isn't a command in itself. What Darren is doing in the video is pressing tab (twice probably) to make the system "reveal" what known commands that starts with "C2". In any case, the available C2 commands should be located in /usr/sbin and those are the same that is shown in the video at about 8:20. If the commands aren't there, you should probably check what firmware version the Turtle is running. I can't see any reason why the Turtle should be on anything else than a version that supports C2 (which should have been introduced from version 5), but check it anyway to be sure.

    The firmware version should be available in the top left corner of the Turtle text based UI/menu system, or by checking the file


    • Thanks 1
  3. If you have an ordinary USB storage device attached to your computer; how do you safely eject that storage device before you remove it from the computer? That's the way you unmount the Croc. The reason why you should do that is because it's not a good thing to have a storage device mounted to two different devices at the same time (in this case your computer that the Croc is attached to, and the Croc itself). This might lead to corruption if not doing things correct.

    Note though that unmounting the Croc from the computer does not involve physically removing the Croc from the Computer since you still need to be able to access the Croc. It just involves ejecting/unmounting the Croc from the OS, not removing it from the USB port.

    • Thanks 1
  4. If you (on the Croc) list the content of /root/udisk, is the device.config file there?

    If not, then you need to mount the udisk to the Croc to get access to the content before running the cc-client command.

    First unmount the udisk from the computer to which the Croc is connected, then mount the udisk to the Croc itself with:

    udisk mount

    Then run the cc-client command in the way it was recently posted

    • Thanks 1
  5. The udisk is just the part of the Croc file system that is exposed/mounted to the device it's connected to when in arming mode (or ATTACKMODE STORAGE). To access /etc you need to either ssh into the Croc or connect to it using serial.

    However, I just remember that the Croc handles the device.config a bit different than other Hak5 devices. The croc_framework stores the file in /etc but is actually using the one on the udisk, so try

    /usr/bin/cc-client /root/udisk/device.config


    /usr/bin/cc-client /root/udisk/device.config &

    (to start it in the background)

  6. The server responds in a way that should make it possible for the Croc to access the C2 server.

    Since you have other Hak5 devices that are successful in connecting to your C2 server, I don't think there's anything wrong with the C2 server setup. And, in addition to that, it's obvious that the Croc can reach the C2 server.

    I would probably check the cc-client error log in /tmp (if any) and also try to run cc-client manually with the path to the device.config file as a command line parameter.

    Also check that the device.config file actually has been placed in /etc

    I would probably also verify that the port and the IP address is correct in the device.config file

  7. You can also try to use wget from the Croc

    wget <serverIP>:2022

    if the Croc can communicate with the C2 server it will produce an index.html with the content "SSH-2.0-Go" (you will need to Ctrl+C out of the wget "session")

  8. You shouldn't use ping like that, just ping and the IP address, i.e.


    But, since you seem to use a VPS on Amazon, it won't respond to ping anyway (if set up using "defaults")

    (And, don't post your real address, keep that to yourself just to be sure)

    If you ssh, try; ssh root@<ip address> -p 2022


  9. 3 minutes ago, hackerzero000 said:

    And from there hwo do i set up the crock for the c2 server?

    Well, reading that sentence, it indicates that you haven't even tried to set it up for C2. If so, then it's not at all strange that it doesn't work. You need to create the C2 device.config file for the Croc and transfer it to the Croc file system.

    I'd suggest that you read all of the documentation; both for the Croc and Cloud C2

  10. There's no need to check opened ports on the server if you have other devices that has successfully been connected.

    1.4 is available here


    Not sure it will solve your issue though. If you were using a domain name along with https/Letsencrypt, then it would probably fix things since there was a certificate issue in fw 1.3.

    Instead of ssh, you can serial into the Croc when it's in arming mode.


  11. 16 minutes ago, hackerzero000 said:

    updated everything fine

    Just to be sure; you are on firmware version 1.4 then I assume


    Do you have any other Hak5 devices that already is successfully connected to your C2 server?

    If you ssh into your Croc, can you ping your C2 server from the Croc (assuming that your C2 server accepts ping)?

    If you can't ping the server, what happens if you try to try to ssh into your C2 server using port 2022 from the Croc?

    Are all necessary ports open on your C2 server?

    Are you starting your C2 server using an IP address (or a domain name) that can be reached from the network to which your Croc is connected? (That IP address should of course also be the IP address where the C2 server is running)

    If using a domain name, is that linked to the proper IP address using a dns A record?

  12. How did you get that error if you can't access the device?

    In any case, what firmware version was you Pineapple on before the firmware update? 1.xx or 2.xx? If it was on 1.xx before the update and you upgraded to the latest (2.1.3), then you might have encountered a Pineapple that has exactly such issues as the error message says; i.e. bad flash storage. If a Pineapple has bad flash storage, it often shows if updating from 1.xx to 2.xx since 1.xx didn't check the status of the flash storage, but 2.xx does. In that way you might have been using a 1.xx based Pineapple without knowing that the flash might have been bad from the start. It's not 100% certain that this is the case for you, but my guess is that is what's happened. I would suggest submitting a support ticket.

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