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Everything posted by shonen

  1. shonen


    Commview escaped my notice and looks worth while checking out. Thanks for the posting Vector.
  2. shonen


    I take it the hak5 community has officially put its hand up to help poor little Ubuntu girl out? Great I will swing by her facebook profile to give her the heads up. =P In all seriousness though googling for some things can be a right royal sod due to the amount of crap you have to read before you find that proverbial gold. sometimes the lazy solution works a treat but with that said the topic this thread is based on has been covered to the extent where it is virtually click next next next and WOW free internetz!
  3. shonen


    I lold, remote exploit are not nearly as forgiving with somethings as the folks in here. I must admit I had a few headaches trying to get it all working a while back when I first had a crack at it. So from one n00b to another use the guide I wrote which can be found at http://animeyakuza.freeforums.org/newbies-...-wif00-t68.html Its a little old but it should have everything you need on it and in the worst case scenario feel free to ask away. Hope it helps.
  4. Damn Iocu that's a nice list to have on the resume. Well done!
  5. hahaha paper clip, That's actually a really good idea especially for removing stuck CD/DVD's and when the power/reset button gets stuck on older computers. You have convinced me to add that to the tool kit.
  6. Well i wouldn't call it a back pack its more one of them boarder line metro sexual looking man bags but hey that's the way Playstation made em. I only got it for the PS logo...... I promise =P - Asus EEE 701 and charger. - USB (backtrack, Switch blade and Orphcrack. - Ipod + charger - 500gb external Hard drive. - Cat cable. - Assortment of linux live CD's. - Cell. - Ciggas. - Redbull. - Note pad and pen. - Mini Tool kit.
  7. Props to the O.P for an excellent question and the same goes for all those who are currently working in the industry who gave an insightful insight/recommendations. I am currently studying for my advanced diploma in networking/security and after reading the above I am seriously considering going for my A+ and putting my hand up for some voluntary work to gain further know how. So yeah thanks everyone once again for giving a n00b some direction.
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