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Posts posted by shonen

  1. I say get off ya ass and go mate, we don't get to much con-age down here in oz so you may as well lap it up. I have done a few meets with some local folk and I would class myself as the n00b out of the group. With that said the 1337 people refrain from flaming in a face to face enviroment and in all case's they are more than happy to show you the ropes an awnser any questions no matter how stupid they sound. Most people get a kick out of sharing shit with there fellow geeks and enjoy lending a helping hand.

    Plus you have the added bonus of Dingle's offer in which case I say go for it and hit the booze afterwoods. XD

  2. I don't get any details on the errors

    its installed with full and the 80GB has the installation on it and the 200GB is just blank

    Yeah generally the error is due to an unsatisfactory mount point, I did a search of my book marks and came across this really good tut, I used this along with the pdf for setting mine up. Just unmount your shit and start again following this tutorial. http://dailycupoftech.com/configuring-disks-in-freenas/

    Fuck its a pitty I don't have my documentation for my NAS config, I unfortunately lost it all when the hdd died, I really need to buy a new one.

  3. Well all our shit is old ISS department hand me downs, we get so dicked. Speaking of saving I am considering doing that and purchasing a cisco router and a switch hopefully soon-ish *fingers crossed*. I am starting to get annoyed with this 4 students per router bullshit we have got going.

  4. Well the VMware Idea was mentioned on the first page so that was nothing new, however your findings on killing LAN school are interesting. I tried to kill it with a few port listeners with no such luck, I still reckon the best way to remove LAN school is with the installer, way less piss farting around.

    Ah I never thought that setting the chan to 0 would yeild you all class rooms, that was a nice find. I cant see why the hex reg on the previous page wouldn't work in a VM, I never had an issue with it and it worked a treat.

    Yeap the Admins can track this down very easily, via a number of ways, TCP/IP address, MAC address, The Domain user account and the VLAN port you are on. To Combat this I would suggest loading lan school on a laptop and jacking it into the schools network and spoofing your MAC address either via the device manager network card option (thats if it allows you to) or by using a nice lil app call sMAC. Note you do NOT have to be logged into the domain with your student user account to use the Teacher viewer. By eliminating the above three it only leave's you traceable via your VLAN port. I know for a fact that all our IT rooms are a part of 1 VLAN which means they have 10 class rooms to sort through. XD

    I concur the key logging function should not be utilized without written consent, then again I am not stupid enough to use the schools network for checking emails or other private data so its not so much of an issue for me.

    I am actually glad I stumbled onto this little find, one of my classes has been broken up and I have a new teacher doing the IBM iseries shit and he is a dead set NAZI with over abusing his LAN school powers. He always feels the need to mention that he is locking everyone's desktops and I just can't help myself and crack up laughing. The fucking prick told me off the other day for using my own laptop (no I wasn't do anything wrong, it wasn't even jacked into the network). I was told to turn it off because I wouldn't need it which I replied with don't ya mean because you can't control it? Its my laptop so fuck off ya twit!

    I also read a few of the previous posts that I neglected to reply to. If you are after ways around content filters DO NOT bother with proxy's, pinging a web address to get the ip for a url and so forth it simply does NOT work on the vast majority of educational institutions. You sure fire way around it is to set up a VPN server at home (Win XP pro will allow for one VPN client) which is a piece of piss to do, configure your router to port forward to your local private IP address that points to your VPN server. If you have a dynamically assigned ISP TCP/IP number you may also wanna sign up for a DynDNS.org account. Once thats all done just create the client connection on your schools computer and connect to your VPN server at home and enjoy encrypted secure traffic and no more filters. XD

  5. I lol'd, now THAT is disturbing, its times like this that I actually want spam filling up my inbox that is tring to flog off cheap viagra.

    These photo's are the direct opposite....... Niagara!!

  6. I personally like the fact the women of hak5 get in on the cast side of things. No offense to guys or anything but if I wanted a sausagefest I would sell my p.c gear on Ebay and take up a sport. WOW that really makes me sound like one of them basement dweling geeks with buffy posters all over the wall.

    For the record props goes out to snubs for her segment on irongeeks osfuscate, even though it was brief I enjoyed it and found it interesting. My only minor gripe was the lack of displaying the directory you had to back up the reg keys prior to using the tool. But that was all sorted out from a visit to iron geeks website. What can I say I am male and am lazy by nature, typing in a url and reading classes as extra work. =P

    Uh huh surreee..... Darren isn't on a leash, I have seen who does the cooking in those kitchen in the kitchen segments. ^_~

  7. Yeah mounting the drives with freeNAS is a bit off a sod, especially the one that has the UNIX operating system on it seeing as the drive number is a spacific one.

    Now I cant remember how to do it off the top off my head seeing as it has been a while, however I found the PDF for it self explanatary and really usefully the last time I had to do it. http://www.freenas.org/downloads/docs/user...FreeNAS-SUG.pdf

    Also once you get the drives working don't forget to turn on the CIFS/SAMBA option other wise your nix and windows boxes wont be able to access it.

    Download and save a copy for future referce (trust me it comes in handy)

  8. Agreed XP is epic, Microsoft hit the nail on the head once service pack 1 came out on windows XP Vista on the other hand I was not a huge fan off, its a resource hungry fat bitch. When I was using it previously it was buggy as. I have heard alot of the stuff has been ironed out since the release of SP1 for Vista but never the less I simply refuse to use it.

    lol moral of the story don't use anything Microsoft related until the 1st installment of service packs hit the interwebs!

    p.s: Yes Windows 7 looks promising and I would use it over Vista.

  9. I have no idea who Snakey is or wtf is going on, personally I would let him/her hang around and give them a good verbal shellacking Moonlit style until they leave on their own accord. Surely the Mods have to have some perks in here. XD

    In anycase from my breif stay in here the mods are as chillaxed as they come, so to get a ban in this forum you would have had to seriously fuck up hard and even then you would have recieved a prior warning.

  10. LMFAO Your class reminds me of some of the pics of peoples home setups, Ubber cool but needs a fucking clean! XD

    In any case your schools equipment shits bricks all over the old out dated shit we are using. One of these days I may get around to taking a few photo's and posting.

  11. It is indeed Fedora 10, works very nicely right out of the box on the 701 with all hardware fully functional (except the wifi on/off function key for some reason, no big deal, I never use that key anyway, all other Fn keys work) and the battery life is a respectable 2:15 playing a video over wifi on loop until the battery dies. That's compared to XP's 2:30 doing the same when the machine was brand new, so that's more than good enough for a year old battery. Xandros is shit and Ubuntu's given me nothing but issues on the 701 but Fedora's given me no such grief.

    One thing I did notice is that neither XP, Windows 7 or Ubuntu could report remaining battery life in minutes/hours, only percentages, but Fedora has no trouble displaying a real time and it's pretty accurate while doing it too.

    Personally I find the keyboard/touchpad more than adequate, but then I guess I wasn't expecting a $1000 17" laptop when I bought it so my expectations were low enough to not be pissed off with it

    Thanks for that little right up on fedora 10 on the Asus EEE, you just convinced me to give it a whirl. XD

    Yeah you are right on the money about the battary life not being displayed properly, it was rather annoying when messing around with Back Track 3 beta.

    lol True true the EEE 701 can't be compared to your standard laptop but if you only had the 701 for a year as your only gateway to the interwebs you would get pissed off with the mouse and keyboard too. Speaking of that I think I broke the left click button from over use, but hey its forced me to learn keyboard short cuts. =P

  12. lol Why harm wifi, I say go for mobile phone's they are by far the single most annoying gadget. Build one and use it the next time you go to the movies (which will roughly be when the new Transformers or Terminator come out). XD

    I laughed hard, leave the microwave door open while its running. That can't be safe.

  13. Fedora actually, it does say so beneath the picture in bold text. ;)

    hahahah Poor Dingle must have been pulling a few to many late nighters, either that or he is drunk posting. =P

    Fedora 10 aint it? last I checked they where on 8 *fuck I am behind the times*. How does Fedora run on the EEE anyways? I had that EEEUbuntu on mine a week ago but it pissed me off and I went back to the default xandros.

    MMM Asus 701 great model, great wifi card but shit keyboard/mouse pad XD

  14. I LoL'd at Dr0ps comment, I was think the exact samething when I put it together a couple of days ago. I am still umming and ar-ing over what colors to use. I like the green for the terminal text but wanna change the orange on the conky display to match the terminal green.

    Good god, this convo is so un-manly, I think I have come down with a case of the G-HEY! =P

    Thanks Dingle, I must say I like linux for the most part and thankfully some of you folk have made the switch fair less painful.

  15. Sounds like a good idea with a worthy cause, I agree with others in here that you are going to get some of the class who decided to tune out but you are going to get that with any age group on just about any topic.

    To somewhat avoid this the hands on demo approach would work really well, I like the idea of demoing sniffing the password however but on the flip side you don't want to be pointing young malicious turds into the right direction.

    Info gathering via google was a great suggestion and I would through that into the pipe works. Also it may pay to do a basic overview of the privacy policy for profile websites such as myspaz, facefart etc etc. In most case's once you up load your image's they are no longer your own and belong to the site to do whatever they wish.

    Dingle Also had an interesting posting in here about viewing private face book photo's, if you can get it working it may be worth demoing on a dummy facefart account.

    Personally its a bit of a bitch of a subject to cover, especially when you are talking about mitigating such sniffing attacks like using SSL etc in a short time frame with no tech terms. Still its doable if you approach it the right way.

  16. Should have installed windows first but no its all fine. There are tones of guides online, windows will rewrite the boot loader but you can change the settings in windows to boot linux.


    I actually did install windows first, I learned that lesson the hard way about 9 months ago. Ah awesome that was exactly what I was looking for, thanks dingle your a legend.

    Hey I was having a look at BT4 this morning and I really liked that widget thingie called conky, I ended up installing it and finding a basic script for it, I ended up editing it a little so it would give details for both my wireless and network cards and a couple of minor color tweaks. Anyways I was wondering what other funky scripts you lot are using for conky seeing as I suck at coding, care to share? XD

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