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Posts posted by shonen

  1. I lol'd at ethan hunts comment. XD

    I concur with everyone else, vako's post was exceptional and stood out as always, even if it did lack his usually comical greatness and ZING!

    Now if you will excuse me I am off to to sell my comp gear for a new set of head phones and a couple of gig worth of the latest I-Dose crack. I wonder if it will make my ears turn yellow or fall off. =P

  2. I was cleaning up my photofuckit account when I stumbled across these pictures I took about a year ago. I was doing my morning run down to the shops for a packet of ciggas when this caught my eye and prompted me to go back with my digi-cam.




    He must eat his HaXor flakes. =P

  3. You have to give credit to cisco's marketing deparment for this one, I expect cisco's new line of security hardware is gonna cost a stack load more because of the production cost's of each of those episode's.

    I wonder when the cartoon networks will pick this up and we can see the kiddies playing with Wall and other action figures in the playground.

  4. Will do mate, I forgot to d/l the beta version before heading out to class. Some pin head accidently sleeped in. XD

    I will let ya know how it went once I give it a whirl.

  5. also shonen, sorry about the pics, its was a crap-tacular camera phone, in a hurry

    Ah so you where THAT excited, not that I blame you.

    If its just going to be a test box, I agree with a few of the others and would run win server 2003/08 with VMware or some shit on it. Bare in mind depending on the specs/rolls of your server and total number of clients it could chug a little.

    Also if it is just going to be a test box and not placed live on your LAN I wouldn't bother purchasing a licesese..... That is unless you guys are aware of something I aint.

    bahaha yeap some of the server shit is bloody heavy, do you have a rack cabinet?

  6. Well even if your boss is pretty laid back, it doesn't hurt to run it by him and get it in writing.

    With the legal bullshit out the way with it's full steam ahead! XD

  7. At first I had no bloody clue what it was, images are like drunkard vision on a late saturday night. XD

    Looks pretty sweet and I would be pretty pleased with myself too, you decided on what NOS you are stuffing in the sucker?

    For the record thats a small e-penis , it should be bigger with toys like that. XD hopefully when my near gear starts to roll in I will be topping you, so live large...... for now!

  8. gutted me? I highly doubt that, due to previous dating women experience I am immune to guilt trips. XD

    *Wait.... whats that lil horned man on my shoulders? Oh ok cool I will ask.* Hey Woodstriker if you go ahead do you mind taking a screen dump and upload the images?

  9. I LOL'd at the idea of running the bath over the internet. Imagine how fucked you would be if some one cracked your setup and turned the taps on while you were away at work. Fuck flooding chat rooms lets flood a real home and watch it on the survalence equipment. =P

    Needz more bubble bath!

  10. Ah nice I figured it was from some sort of programing area, I feel your pain on the math's part and boring subjects. We have a fair amount of B.S subjects that are a complete waste of time, such as Project management, Ethics and another that is so boring I can't even recall the name of it. Most of our Teachers except two are nothing but glorified spastics who are out of date, can't teach for the life of em or have either lost interest in their subject matter.

    I am doing my advanced diplome in network security however I fail to understand the advanced and security aspect of the course. I am in my second year and so far all we have covered is basic network fundamentals and just started cisco shit. The only security related stuff covered so far is Denial of service and configuring Access Control List's as of last week.

    Recently our school admins have blocked downloading on student accounts and have also gone a bit mental on the content filtering, so alot of people have really cracked a shit fit over it because you do have to download legit shit or browse certain content for class work. I never really noticed seeing as I always VPN my ass out of there.

    Well done my man, you have gotta love a purdy GUI interface. XD

  11. HOLY SHIT BALLS BATMAN! Now that looks ubber AWESOME.

    Thermaltake make some kick ass case's and like to charge an arm and a leg for it. The only major downside with Thermtake is the cases are pretty damn heavey on there own, let alone with all the shit crammed into the guts of em. Not the best for those of us who like to travel to LAN parties.

  12. No probs mate thats what the comunity is for. I wouldnt stress to much about the old and slightly slow issue, I am in the same boat.

    I guess the saying about a brocken clock being correct at least twice a day, holds some merit. =)

    In any case I am glad I could solve your little boggle and help you stress less.

  13. Intersting work Lyzon and I love the fact you expanded on the original concept I posted (I tip my hate to you). Still it seems like a lot of work to remove LANschool student seeing as you can uninstall it with the setup file but hey I am sure you learnt a ton from this little exercise.

    I will download this at give it a whirl when I am back at school tomorrow. Thanks for the post and hard work.

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