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Posts posted by shonen

  1. One of the guys from class lashed out and purchased the Netcomm NP285 Ethernet over power turbo twin pack out of curiosity. Seeing as he is flat out with work (installing surveillance equipment) he was kind enough to chuck it my way for a road test for a couple of weeks.

    To be perfectly honest I know sweet stuff all about the technology other than what is advertised on the box and like most things what is advertised is sometimes not entirely correct. Hence I figured I would chuck it up here and see what the hak5 tech guru's think. If any of you have encountered using or read anything interesting on Ethernet over power I am all ears. On a side note are there any security concerns? from what little I have read the only thing protecting you is being on a different power phase (but meh I am no electrician).

    I was planning on having a read of the documentation and having a fiddle when I awake from my slumber tomorrow afternoon. XD

    Specs for the NP 285 can be found at http://www.netcomm.com.au/products/ethernetoverpower/np285

    Thanks in advance to all who posted and gave me some reading material.

  2. Thanks for saving me the searching on google Vector, your a legend. XD

    ah yeah, now that you mention it I recall you suggesting commview for wifi in another thread on here. I had a quick look at the linkage you had posted back then and it looked pretty nifty, so thanks for the reminder (I have a shocking memory).

  3. Yeap your assumption was correct, whoops I should have maybe explained it a little better.

    I was thinking that sniffing the air would be the best approach but I was under the silly impression that I had to be associated with the access point and have the corresponding IP addressing for that network to be able to do so.

    Thanks for the speedy reply and the further insight with using a VPN stingwray. MM I may have to have a crack at testing your suggestion in my lab. I think my wifi card is compatible Netgear WPN311 PCI (I may have to google it after class).

    I am assuming you would use something like wireshark to sniff the air waves or does anyone in here have a better suggestion?

  4. Hey Hak5 community,

    My class mates and I were discussing the pro's and con's of adding additional security by obscurity measures to a wireless access point such as MAC Filtering, hiding the SSID broadcasting and disabling DHCP. I pointed out that both the hidden SSID and MAC filtering can easily be retrieved as soon as a client associated with the access point via airodump.

    Now the thing I am racking my mind over is, is it at all possible to locate the the correct network portion of a IP address so you can manually set your network and host portion to be apart of that wireless network?

    Any insight on the above would be greatly appreciated.

    P.S: Sorry if this has already been discussed, I did however have a quick look and came up empty.

  5. agreed cleaning and keeping it clean is a pain in the behind.

    The again compared to some of my mates the setups posted here are immaculate and spotless. Most people I know have panels and all sorts of crap missing from the case and don't get me started on work space!

    I suspect most people cleaned prior to posting images, come on no male can be clean unless they suffer from OCD.

    One thing that annoys me is as soon as I have my crap in a mint clean state I immediately trash it when repairing comp's or doing lab stuff for school.

  6. The hardware hacks are pretty funky and you guys have done some outstanding work, I think it’s a little rich to request more especially seeing as the show has moved to a weekly scheduling. Obviously the gear required for some projects can get a little pricey, not to mention I am sure the research and assembly is time consuming. In my honesty opinion one hardware hack a month is reasonable. From a poor student viewer prospective, who can afford to do more than one hardware hack a month anyways? Well that would require quitting alcohol/smoking which isn’t going happen any time soon.

    As for the open source reviews on the show I don’t find them as annoying as others are making out. I rarely enquire into that sort of thing and some things do escape ones attention. It’s nice to be kept in the know.

    The HD format I personally don’t see as a massive issue, as far as I am concerned as long as I can read what is being entered in on screen I am happy camper. Besides the smaller the file size the quicker I can watch my downloaded episode.

    I will agree that since the move to Revision 3 the show is slightly more n00bier than usual, hell I remember when I first started watching during season 3 and was all like WTF? But I don’t exactly see the slight n00b factor as a bad thing. I like the fact you guys give a quick explanation on the concept prior to diving into the nitty gritty, sometimes a quick refresher is exactly what one needs

    After reading all of the posts on this topic and a lot of the concerns of the old School hak5 viewers about more complex Linux /Unix stuff. It seems sensible for the more seasoned Linux/Unix user to volunteer some time and show case there 1337ness as a special quest or lend a helping hand.

    The other common gripe on this thread was the lack of technical explanation on topics in the new season. This seems a little unfair seeing as you guys do X amount of segments per an episode so obviously you are under time constraints with how deep you can dive into the rabbit hole. Technically explanations and further reading is best left on the forum or in the form of show notes as per usual.

    At the end of the day it’s hard to please everyone but I for one am grateful that they even bothered to construct the show when they could have easily sat around the home playing games and drinking booze. You guys/gals have done a fantastic job and a lot of the stuff aired on the show I have implemented (FreeNAS, Smoothwall, USB Switchbalde etc).

    I will simply finish by saying, thank you very much, I greatly appreciate it.

    P.S: I have introduced a few of my fellow class mates to hak5 which we all watch huddled around a monitor during our lunch break. For a advertised Advanced Network Security diploma class it seriously is lacking the "Security" aspect, so yeah we have been relying on hak5 among other sites for info.

  7. Hak5 the official every OS support forum.

    I take it the hak5 community has officially put its hand up to help poor little Ubuntu girl out? Great I will swing by her facebook profile to give her the heads up. =P

    In all seriousness though googling for some things can be a right royal sod due to the amount of crap you have to read before you find that proverbial gold. sometimes the lazy solution works a treat but with that said the topic this thread is based on has been covered to the extent where it is virtually click next next next and WOW free internetz!

  8. ask this on backtrack forums = ban

    I lold, remote exploit are not nearly as forgiving with somethings as the folks in here.

    I must admit I had a few headaches trying to get it all working a while back when I first had a crack at it. So from one n00b to another use the guide I wrote which can be found at http://animeyakuza.freeforums.org/newbies-...-wif00-t68.html

    Its a little old but it should have everything you need on it and in the worst case scenario feel free to ask away.

    Hope it helps.

  9. Well i wouldn't call it a back pack its more one of them boarder line metro sexual looking man bags but hey that's the way Playstation made em. I only got it for the PS logo...... I promise =P

    - Asus EEE 701 and charger.

    - USB (backtrack, Switch blade and Orphcrack.

    - Ipod + charger

    - 500gb external Hard drive.

    - Cat cable.

    - Assortment of linux live CD's.

    - Cell.

    - Ciggas.

    - Redbull.

    - Note pad and pen.

    - Mini Tool kit.

  10. Props to the O.P for an excellent question and the same goes for all those who are currently working in the industry who gave an insightful insight/recommendations.

    I am currently studying for my advanced diploma in networking/security and after reading the above I am seriously considering going for my A+ and putting my hand up for some voluntary work to gain further know how.

    So yeah thanks everyone once again for giving a n00b some direction.

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