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Posts posted by shonen

  1. LOL A Aussie hat trick, let the invasion begin XD

    internet is very relaxed because i can differentiate between real and the internet).

    Correction the internet is relaxing due to it having a Block User option, real life needs this feature as well as a CTRL Z for them drunken nights out.

  2. This is an interesting topic, I to am interested seeing as I am studying networking.

    Please correct me if I am wrong (I am still a n00b with this) but I was under the impressing that for stuff like this you would use the 3 legend firewall design. So you would be adding a new NIC to your hardware firewall (creating a orange zone DMZ for your VM that resides on a different Network portion of your addressing scheme).

    By the way whats going on with your addressing? class A with 24 bits for the network portion and 8 for hosts like class C? Subnetting or does that make it classless??? You have lost me. XD

  3. Yeah I have only come across a small hand full of ad-hoc networks most of which I found while visiting friends.

    My hardware for wifi isn't to shabby netgear wpn311, 500mw signal amp and 16 dbi omni antenna. I wanna invest in a 20+ something directional for funzies but need more money (I think a new laptop comes first).

    Actually I was scanning networks the other day and I came across a very weak signal of a ad-hoc computer with no security with the SSID of Free Internetz. Was thinking noob with sniffer tools or some shit. It looks suspicious to me seeing as I am cynical of the human race and suspect the worst from most people. =P

  4. Yeap Vector is right on the money as always, there is a small chance you may brick it but DD-WRT has tools for un bricking some models. Anyways to save you unnecessary headaches and searching consult your Access Point model here: http://www.dd-wrt.com/dd-wrtv3/dd-wrt/hardware.html

    My apologize to the OP for high jacking his topic but I have a quick question that doesn't deserve its own topic. I was wondering if the WEP cracking works on AD HOC computer to computer networks. I would test it but I am bored with the whole WEP bullshit thing and just wanted to know.

    LOL@Vector Fux0r I love the sound of that, I am stealing it for future use. XD

  5. Favourite game: Final fantasy 7/10, Persona 3/4, Suikoden and Vandal Hearts

    Favourite OS: Xp Pro/Ubuntu

    Favourite console: ps2

    Nationality: Australia (I am big down under... sorry I so had to say it) XD

    Accent: Bogan Aussie talk.

    Sex: Male


    Race: Aussie (well half Irish and Scottish back ground)

    Height: 5'10"

    Status: In a relationship with chinse/jap girl (yellow FEVER) WTF is hak 5 the new myspace?

    Build: skinny

    Favourite band: Blood hound gang, Ale storm, Motley Crew, Guns n rose's, Disturbed and a bit of japanese shit.

    Favourite book: I the book is any good it will come out on dvd.

    Favourite author: n/a

    Favourite movie: Matrix, Hackers, War Games, Take down, A sense of freedom, Terminator and a whole bunch of anime.

    Favourite director: I don't pay to much attention to who directs a movie.

    Favourite TV Show: Robot Chicken, Heroes, Terminator Sarah connor, IT crowd and Fat pizza.

    Favourite actor: Don't have one, I don't believe in watching movies just because some actor is in it. plot and content all the way

    Favourite actress: see above

    Favourite Pinup: see above

    Favourite Comedian: Russel Peters, Kevin bloody wilson and eric banner when he was playing chooper reed.

    Other hobbies: Movies, Drawing, Cricket, games, drinking shagging (the standard bloke stuff).

    Car: I don't have one as yet, no need.

    Occupation: I was managing a Video (dvd) store but quit as of last year to study full time.

  6. AHHHhh so that's what you where asking, good thing Vector took over where I left off.

    Before you start flashing firmware be sure to check it out on the DD-WRT site for compatibility last thing you need is a $50+ paper weight.

    Client mode is most awesome I have a TP LINK configured in that manner and have it jacked into my hardware firewall then spat back out on a switch. Great thing with client mode is you can use all encryption methods. As far as I am aware using the Wireless distribution System (WDS) in point to point, multi point bridge and repeating only supports the use of WEP, please correct me if I am wrong. =)

    Hapster thanks for the suggestion and yeah a few people have told me to start learning perl. MMMM maybe when I get some of these bullshit assignments out the way with.

  7. Just a quick update

    I ended up having a crack at using Winsock Packet Editor Pro (inspired by H@l0_f00's great idea previously). The idea was to see if I could capture packets that executed commands from the teacher viewer and inject them into the student without using the Teacher viewing software console. The result NO good, I ended up doing a search on google and I stumbled across a thread stating that they corrected this sort of thing since the previous versions. apparently some smarty pants had the same idea and had some java app that did the same thing (but actually worked). Well..... That is unless I cocked something up, but I am going to take another look some to later.

    Also I found a nice reg edit that allows you to scan all the channels (1-255) from your Teacher viewer without the need to constantly install and uninstall. I have it floating around on USB somewhere but CBF going to get it. I shall post it a little later.

    Lastly I tried a program (forget the name of it processor something or rather) but its basically a better version of task manager that kill's running processors, tried on LAN school with no luck.

    Uhhhh, The bios isn't the boot menu ?!?!

    Thank you so much for pointing that out and making me look like a complete tool, much appreciated *not to self read postings more thoroughly* XD

    I will note I only went to this level because I found some loopholes and the instructor, who took a great dislike to me for whatever reason, tried to pretty much rubbish me in front of the class.

    I got that some treatment last year, thankfully teaching this time around is much better.

    I bloody laughed at the conveniently placed backdoor. Tisk Tisk! Say what were you studying at tafe if you dont mind me asking.

    At my old high school they used two. LanDesk and ABcontrol. once you had the server software for AB you could just run it and everything worked that easy with no password... Pretty dogey.

    EDIT: really usefull was sysinternals TCPView. try that to see connections to and from your PC and what is making them. one time I had it open and I saw AB connect and then the sysadmin sent a netsend like messege that said "stop using it" That was funny. hahaha

    Landesk and ABcontrol sound a lot like lan school, Geez you would think these developers would have better security measures.

    Bwahahhaha Netsend like messages, that's gold.

  8. WTF?! ok. just came accross this and thought this was an astonishingly dumn conversation peice

    LMFAO Who would honestly use that? By christ you would look like a total TWAT!

    Louie Vuitton <33

    lol WOMEN! Needz more PINK! XD

    /insert shovanistic male pig comments below.

  9. Thus the "hackerz muh skell" thread starts[/quoute

    Believe it or not, I suspect most will choose the later, I personally have no interest in myspaz, msn and other type accounts. The reason I asked is for two reason's

    1: I have 6 computers in my lab/4 in the main house and I was thinking about using the software on my one LAN (especially seeing as I have a couple of younger brothers).

    2: This week in class we are building a client server network, once its done our teacher is allowing us to break it and mess with eachother. Once done we have to try and secure it.

    But yeah Dingle is right and that comment does fall in the Haxor me skoolzn type. Not my smartest post in here and sorry to debunk it into shitty-ness.

  10. What you are saying makes perfect sense. I am not much of a coder and personally don't enjoy it but I suspect that's largely due to the fact I suck balls at it. I just started doing VBS as part of my networking course for automation and it all goes w00sh over my head. XD

    *I tip my hat to you* For having the patience to go to the effort of re-inventing the wheel, in the long run it will certainly pay off for ya.

  11. Work?? Oi don't use such dirty four letter words. XD

    lol No need to test it, I constantly swap between wifi and ethernet on my laptop all the time.

    Get yourself Back track and a supported wifi card and do some REAL testing XD

    No problems glad I could be of help mate.

  12. P.S. Every school institution I've ever been to never locks down the boot menu key. Kinda sad imo.

    One thing I will give to our Tafe's IT Department is they at least had the foresight to setup a bios password, however nothing was stopping me from cracking the case open while a teacher went out for a lengthy coffee break and remove the battery.

    I used to read their forums and stop bby their IRC a bit but haven't been back for ages. I have a terrible forum addiction and had to cull some back. Once I have boiled down my essential list, I might try and get involved there too

    lol I feel ya, I am an avid forum junky and try to keep things to a minimum myself. I figured as much every Aussie who is into comp security usually stops by Ausphreak once in there lives. I use to post on the forum and hang in the IRC channel about a year and a half ago, Not so proactive now but I still keep in touch with some of there members.

    From what I hear they aint so proactive now days, that greypages they setup was totally kick ass.

    There's a an option to implement a password when you first install it but I'm not sure if it's used to protect people from using the program (running the .exe) or if it's used to secure the viewer to client connection (encryption, authentication, verification, etc.). I'll install a VM of XP to check out how the password is implemented

    Same here... Quite the mistake. I booted Ophcrack ASAP when I got to my new school this year and cracked the pass within seconds, it's "envision" WTF lol but I also think they should disable LM hash in the first place because there's nothing older than XP SP3, leaving LM hash to be only a security issue

    Thanks for the heads up mate, if I get some time and my download speeds aint being a sod I may take a look at it sometime tomorrow. I am curious to see the difference between Vision and Lan School.

    LOL That would have blown a few peoples minds, I did this in class to recover a password for a VM machine of windows, IT department forgot the Administrator password, useless bastards. Funny thing was I didn't feel like working that day (hang over) and I wanted 5 minutes before lunch time before I announced I found the password. XD

    I tried the exact same thing for a Admin pass on a local machine to no avail, I suspect I need better rainbow tables than the default stuff supplied with Ophcrack.

    Lastly seeing as some of the posters in here use LAN school and its almost back to school time I am interested to hear how other people went trying azza and I's work around.

  13. lol your post is a little confusing to read but its more than likely just me and a lack of sleep.

    Anyways if you are asking if your wireless AP has encryption and you try to connect to it via ethernet cable will it by pass the need for a WEP/WPA key, your answer is YES it does. The encryption only comes into play with wireless clients.

    Sorry if I miss read your post, I thought it was a how to setup a network type question.... my bad.

  14. Most home wireless access points are a Router/dsl modem and wireless access point all in one, so you may not have to connect the access point into the router or modem per say. More details required post model numbers please.

    But to answer your question yes you can have a completely wireless LAN network, sharing folders and internet connection. Generally speaking Router connected via ethernet to access point. then your laptop associates to the wireless AP and the router does its thing.

    The only part you may cock up and run into problems is assigning IP numbers and the possibility of having your AP and Router set to defaults and both are utilizing DHCP. If you want to have IP addressing assigned for you, Disable DHCP in the router and leave it on the access point. If you are anal like me and like to know the IP of your computer just give each device and comp one manually in windows or if your AP permits reserve a IP address via MAC address .

    Protip set IP addresses to router and access Point yourself, you will need to have these at a unchangeable address for future networking needs.

    Rule of thumb First 2 numbers for networking device's rest for computers.

    EXAMPLE: Router, AP, laptop and so on for other comps.

    subnet mask, Default gate way and DNS set to where ever your internet comes from (if its a router/modem it will be

    As for encryption WEP = was easily penetrated (can be cracked in 10 minutes) use WPA or preferably WPA2. Also don't forget to change the default AP and router login's.

    Hope this helps

  15. not gonna lie, cisco equiptment are like learning a pre 80's IBM system (almost every command/menu/etc is proprietary)

    and I THOUGHT I was getting my cert w/my education, but since I have started I found out that is totally fail. I think the best thing I can get is a voucher if I jump through a bunch of hoops or I can get some type of small discount on the cert but that's it. On the upper hand though you have two options of how to take the ccna cert test (I get NO funding help whatsoever on the mcse [that is if I do want to take it..].) You can do the ccna cert test in two parts or one. The two part test you do one after ccna 2 and then the 2nd one after ccna 4 class @ $150 a peice or you can just take the one standard ccna cert test @ I think $280

    LMFAO You are spot on with your pre 90's IBM analogy. As much as I appreciate the power of a CLI I am constantly forgetting commands and a have a very extensive quick reference cheat sheet and that's just for the nix stuff. Meh its gonna be fun doing it all over again for cisco commands. Thankfully you can load a GUI into most of there equipment now days W00T.

    Damn don't ya just hate when you get confused or the school miss advertise course's. I originally thought mine was just cert 4 (was planning to do cert 4 at one place and then go to a Tafe closer) to my area. Turns out it is a accelerated course and covers cert 4, dip in networking and advanced dip in network security. So yeah if I change I get no credit for anything.

    Yeah a dude in my class passed his CCNA last year, smart ass got 98% he decided to do it all in the one go due to cost. Still its a lil risky and you wouldn't wanna fail. I think that same guy is up to the 2nd part of CCNP.

    Sucks that you don't get a discount on the MCSE all that stuff gets expensive, on the upside you will be slightly ahead of the game with both MCSE and CCNA. I know a few people who just read books with no proper teaching and failed.

    Out latest addition to work was a $400,000 Google Earth server of our own.

    When I read that I was totally like =0 Dude you so have to post pictures, I demand eye candy!

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