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Posts posted by shonen

  1. that aint as bad as the chav wanna be boy racers in the uk that think everybody is that dumd that they need to advertise what make of car they have with big stickers down the side of said car

    Ah yes we have these types of twats in OZ as well, they are usually of the holden commodore driving variety. I love it how they buy some cheap shitty beat up care and then waste money on the HSV sticker. All it says is this is the car I wanted but this bomb was the only thing I could afford.

    i would have spray painted "PWNT" on his bonnet in red

    I fucking LOL'd hard!

    By the way you so have to see this

    The Chaser's War on Everything, Wanker Number Plates

  2. Adm1nx Thats a really simple but good idea, I agree for the april fools prank once you have permission you should do it to all non-work related websites for the whole working day.

    or a mass rickroll could be fun. XD

  3. On large networks try the below.

    ping ***.***.***.255


    ping ***.***.***.*** -l 65535 -n NUMBER OF PACKETS

    Note: windows wont allow you to do this anymore, you will need a third party app to send packets of that 65535 size but I am guessing thats what digip's regediting fixes. Thanks digi I shall check that out.

    Finally: DONT BE A TWAT!

    P.S: We covered DoS very briefly in my security class and I have to say it was interesting stuff, oh if any of you have some good links on the subject for further reading I would be most interested.

  4. I second Avast, I was using avg not to long ago but found it missed things that Avast didn't.

    Fucking avast and its blairing siren virus alert, the first time it went off it was conducting a scan while I was watchinga divX and it scared the shit out of me. I shit you not I fall out of my chair after I jumped and tried to sit back down. *shakes fist* I will get you for that avast

  5. Glad you enjoyed it.

    Speaking of ZP I just finished watching the latest one on yet another zombie horror game, review was so so and by no means up to his usually standard. Maybe next week I will get my dose of lul'z, that is if the I-dose doesn't have a mp3 for it yet =P

  6. lol Airpwn, I have always wanted to have a crack at doing that, maybe come this lot of school holidays if I don't cop a shit load of work.

    Hey seeing as we are talking ARPing on a company network it got me thinking. Any respectable network would implament VLAN's to logically sub divided its deparments into groups. So Lets say we have this scenario VLAN 1 Sales, VLAN 2 Accounting. Sales and Accounting are not setup to communicate with one another only within their own VLAN/colision domain.

    Now lets say someone is ARPing on sales VLAN 1 as far as I can gather the malicious attacker will only be able to affect users on Sales and not in Accounting.


    1: Is the above assumption about the VLAN the attacker can affect correct.

    2: If question 1 is correct would this affect our friedly Prankster Admin in this post?

    Sorry if this is a bit of a stupid question (still a networking n00b) but I was curious as to how VLAN's would affect the above. eg would he need to configure anything? I would assume he would be setup to be a member of all VLAN's.

  7. Ah fair enough then and in that case I would want a legit version, especially if you are going to access it via the outside world.

    The inner tight ass in me loves the FREE aspect of the linux and BSD world however if you are a bit of a nix tard at times such as myself doing certin things on the platform can be a royal pain in the ass and waste a fair amount of time which is annoying when you are pressed for it/in a hurry. But hey the upside is you are learning something new which is worth major points.

    catch 22 much.

  8. Ok, how many layers are there in the TCP model?

    4 Layers. Link, internet, transport and application at the top.

    To be honest I cheated and had to google it, its been a year since I have had to use that shit.

    If you were thinking the TCP layers would help in solving my initial question you are mistaken. Think in logical order and you will twig at how simple it is.

  9. Well talking about there tech related stuff prior to release does suck but is understandable, not mention you can work on other peoples equipment is a blessing seeing as NO ONE wants to be the neighbour hood tech guy who constantly gets asked to fix their gear for free but work perks, come on what can you gain from that other than bragging rights.

    *BUZZ* Correct but its also wrong, Application Layer is indeed Layer 7 but I mentioned layer 8 on purpose. I did this to test logical thinking and how hackers think outside the box.

    Here is a clue layer 8 is the cause of MOST technical/non technical issues and should be added to the OSI model XD

  10. Ok this maybe some half assed information and I personally have not used ethercap. However I did take a read of this tutorial some time ago and found it useful.


    I would suggest you do the same, that way you can come back and ask more specific questions so that the others who are more 1337er than myself can point you in the right direction.

    It may pay to set it up in a mini lab at home and trial it prior to doing it in a live production enviroment.

    As for the filter to inject the cornified code, hopefully dr0p will explain it in a little more detail if you ask really politly. XD

    Anyways hope this is some what helpful, sorry I cant be of more assistance.

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