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Posts posted by jdogherman


    Coreyja: Provided that you successfully make the VPN connection and have the default gateway set as the VPN connection all Internet traffic will be passed to the VPN server. So yes you would bypass the filters that are setup on the "schools" network.


    I like this version of Darren much more than the tweaked out one.

    Video seems dark still though esp during the screen casts.

    Shannon: a few header pins and connected to the ribbon cable will GREATLY improve your connection. This is VERY important especially for Firmware transfers.

    looking forwarding to the OPEN VPN Concurrent users segment.

  1. I also enjoyed season 5's fon and esxi segments. I especially enjoyed the flash/animations of the fon.

    Maybe some more explanation could be done on Darren's VPN setup and the reasons why similar subnets could not communicate together.

    Remember understanding the problem is as important as knowing the answer.

    Darren, Why do the epi have to be so short? is that a hosting issue? or Rev3?

    Could you make short episodes for Rev3 and then have dialog/outtakes/deeper discussion on a Hak5live? (BTW whatever happended to hak5 live) I much less care about a 'polished' show as I do a content filled show. IMO I watch to get info about things I havent heard about. The GREAT episodes are the ones that make be go out and start my own projects (FON, ESXi, Switchblade/hacksaw, RSS Alarm clock). Also if the suscess of the show requires that more sponsor then I (as 1 viewer) understand that.


  2. Thanks Beakman,

    When you use a VPN connection isn't that just a VPN traffic over 53? so if someone was only allowing DNS packets they would be able to block that traffic?

  3. Also has anyone noticed that the new scripts listed on mubix blog (http://www.splitbrain.org/blog/2008-11/02-dns_tunneling_made_simple)


    When saved as a service throw out a error when you try anything other than start? (stop/restart)

    /etc/init.d/dnstunneld start (GOOD!)

    /etc/init.d/dnstunneld restart :(

    /etc/init.d/dnstunneld stop FAIL BUS HERE WE COME

    ~$ /etc/init.d/dnstunneld start

    Starting DNS Tunnel.

    ~$ /etc/init.d/dnstunneld restart

    Stopping DNS Tunnelcat: /var/run/dnstunneld.pid: No such file or directory

    kill: 41: Usage: kill [-s sigspec | -signum | -sigspec] [pid | job]... or

    kill -l [exitstatus]

    ~$ /etc/init.d/dnstunneld stop

    Stopping DNS Tunnelcat: /var/run/dnstunneld.pid: No such file or directory

    kill: 41: Usage: kill [-s sigspec | -signum | -sigspec] [pid | job]... or

    kill -l [exitstatus]

  4. Same here I was using the improved scripts lined on mubix's blog

    I havent tried .co.cc

    but I have tried

    DYNDNS (no name server control)

    ZoneEdit (no sub domain control)

    Godaddy (Keeps giving error about not registerd name servers)

    I should be able to do this as somehow I have a domain name and a server setup.

    Psychosis: Let me know if you find anything that starts working

  5. beakmyn: Thanks for the steps but isnt that only setting up dynamic DNS and Open VPN?

    I was looking for how to use the DNS protocol as a tunnel for SSH traffic. Then I could use the SSH traffic for tunneling HTTP sessions. Once again my issue is that I dont know how to setup DYNDNS with a custom nameserver. Without that nameserver setup DNS resolution will be fulfilled by DYNDNS servers and not my host with the scripts running.

    Once Again Thanks,

    If any one can shead some light on this please speak up.

  6. The primary problem isn't getting the client side perl scripts working but instead getting the DNS forwarding properly. GoDaddy wants to be a "really nice guy" /sarcasm

    I own several domains from Godaddy and also have DYNDNS setup but godaddy will not accept my established dyndns domains as the name servers.

  7. I was waiting all week for this grub2

    What he showed is what I had but I was really hoping for some grub.conf lovin.


    Maybe next week. (crosses fingers)

  8. go back to filming in the kitchen

    Cooking with Darren.

    If mubix is there have him show some stuff.

    Seems like the episode was dark, brightness might need to be adjusted now that the walls are RED ALERT red!

  9. I almost got Trinity working, its just beeing pain right now. Got it booting, but it cant seem to find the usb its booting from..

    I mounted the trinity rescue iso in WMWare and installed it to another usb i had laying around. I then copied the files over to my multiboot usb, and added this in menu.lst

    title Trinity Rescue Kit

    find --set-root /multiboot/trinity/initrd.trk

    kernel /multiboot/trinity/kernel.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1

    initrd /multiboot/trinity/initrd.trk

    but all i get is this error


    Any ideas?

    I think this is the same issue as I am having with BTbeta4. The initrd is not able to find the filesystem. I was trying to think of a way to (s)link the directory to the root but fat32 does not support (s)links. Maybe someone can make a fake file that redirects to the correct directory. (needs more searching and poking)

  10. has anybody got a "BT4 data not found" error when they try and boot BT4? for me it happens when you see the BT4 boot screen and everything is starting. it says it cant find the livecd.sgn file which i have and tells me to shutdown the computer. any ideas?

    The issue is that the initrd is not able to find the BT4 Directory in the sub directory I put it in. (I'm working on a fix, let you know if I find one)

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