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Posts posted by jdogherman

  1. Well it has the same hardware but the the Fon2.0 has more RAM. that would be the limiting factor. the usb function could be forgiven but without the extra ram you might have some issues preforming all the functions that the fon2 can do even if you accept the fact that you would need to pipe the data (torrents, uploads, ect) from and to a mapped external data client

  2. Orange:

    Ive tried restoring the stock firmware and it loads without issue but on my 2201, something with the eth controller is not working...

    I cant find the device nmaping the subnet nor can I log in via wireless (don't know the key).

    I know exid used to have a nice tutorial with links to how to push a 2201 to stock but since his site went down I cant find it.

    Do you happen to have any other links to original firmware for 2201?

  3. Are they mutually exclusive in nature (patched madwifi vs aircrack injection support) or have they just not been built together?

    Is it possible to just take your patch and apply it to another madwifi driver set. maybe one that supports aircrack injection already?

    Did you release the patch code?

    Thanks man.

  4. I think the hardware changes from Fon + to the Fon 2.0 will not affect the firmware... So we can use the same firmware for the Fon2 that we use for the fon+.

    Of course we will need to add the openwrt packages for usb and then the programming to use it.

    I cant wait to use the USB function and the added RAM.

  5. Does anyone know how we can get some of these in the states?

    I see that they are for sale in europe already and scheduled for release in the US in the summer.

    I want to get my hands on one so bad. Does anyone know where I can get one early? (ive been kicking myself for not buying one when it was available for beta testing) Ive checked Ebay but havent seen any their.

  6. The think that I would worry about is that if you bump up the voltage too much there would be a lot of loss though the regulator.

    What I would like to see is a battery pack with a charging switch. plug it in and it charges the batteries, un plug and run of them till they die. ( like a laptop batter system)

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