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Posts posted by jdogherman

  1. Any one know where to find a decent bumping hammer? That's what i need to find!

    I cant say if they have the BEST price but I did get my keys in a timely fashion and they sell bump hammers.

    Bump Key.US - Bump Hammers

    But why do you need that just use the end of a screwdriver. works just fine

  2. If everything goes perfectly, the soonest they could be manufactured and available in any quantity would be early to mid May

    Thats awesome news. Can't wait for it to be available. Let us know when you have any updates. Might be cool if a DIP switch shield could be designed for the Teency also.

    Thanks for the informative post.

    Glad to know that the Teency can act as a composite device utilizing multiple interfaces.

  3. Actually, I've been planning to add more device types in the next version of Teensyduino. Once that's released (there will be beta tests....), implementing this using the Arudino IDE will be as easy as just selecting it from the Tools menu.

    In addition to a SD card connected to the 4 SPI pins, I also plan to support using the unused flash memory as a tiny read-only volume. You can expect example and documentation to be rough at first and become better over time....

    Yes, it'll be a composite device which also provides a HID keyboard interface. Everything already written with Keyboard.print(), Keyboard.send_now(), etc should work when changing to this other device type.

    Is there ever a way to set a device to be 2 USB devices? a HID and a Mass Storage?

    Make sure you let us know on Hak5 when you update the Arudino IDE

    Thanks for all your work.

  4. I know Darren had said that it was only limited to the USB bus but here is some numbers on what the Teensy theoretically might be able to do.

    looks to be a max 500-62.5 keystrokes

    Bandwidth - Less Than You Might Expect

    USB Keyboard speed is limited to 500 keystrokes per second, and some operating systems may limit the speed to only 62.5 keystrokes per second. There is nothing you can do about these limits. Reading the rest of this section will only help you understand why they exist.

    The HID protocol is used by USB keyboards, and HID uses the USB "interrupt" transfer type, which allocates 1 packet per a configurable number of USB frames. Each USB frame is 1ms, and the Teensyduino USB keyboard code requests the interval to be every frame. If the operating system honors this request, bandwidth is available for 1000 packets per second.

    Each keystroke requires 2 calls to Keyboard.send_now(), the first to press the key and the second to release it. This translates to 500 keystrokes per second. Of course, you can send 10 different keys in each, but logic inside the USB device driver will analyze for changes, which imposes a practical limit, especially when sending to already-written software which expects "normal" typing.

    Some operating systems might disregard the request and instead schedule 1 packet every 8 frames. At 16ms each, only 62.5 keystrokes per second are possible.

    Taken from: http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_keyboard.html

  5. What about not using a computer but rather a smart phone.

    Using WIFI-Fo-fum I can log GPS and wifi points. If my camera had a clock(true time) that was worth anything I should be able to align the GPS points to the video stream is the time data was embedded/meta-tagged into the video.

  6. so the storage medium would be the magstripe?

    What is the benefit? seems like it would be prone to degradation of the signal. remember that the TNC output has no error correction, and if you set it up to output a constant conversion of NEMA to audio it would be just that a stream of NEMA sentences in modulated form.

    If you could somehow use the magstripe but have it trigger a NEMA position upon swipe you could keep cards of positions if they fit on the magstripe. Remember also that normally magstripes have EC and have tracking bits. NEMA-AUDIO wouldn't have that and a sentence would be very hard to align to fit on a card.

  7. not sure why using a magstripe reader would help.

    If I wasnt able to get a camera with audio input I would just use a pocket recorder to take both audio (left) and NEMA audio (right). Then All I need to do it sync the video to audio and now you know where I am and what I am saying

    Could even be done with BT headset and BT receiver.

    So BT receiver + TNC output -> mixer/combiner -> pocket recorder.

    Depending on the space on the recorder you could log all position data in your tank bag or saddle bag and not have to stop recording till you park your bike. Kindof like a black box. Although if you are doing all this I might just make a black box with a netbook and wifi so I can use it to do war driving through neighborhoods.

    MAN this sounds cool. Motorcycle meet Computer = cycle-puter (trademark pending) jk

  8. as far as recording the audio into the camera as long as the camera had an audio jack in and the fidelity was high enough the TNC should convert any of the NEMA code into audio then pass that into the camera to be recorded.

    What point and shoot video camera do you have that has an audio in?

  9. Enjoyed the overview of the APRS system but I think more meat and potatoes (content) might have been good.

    BTW if you are looking to study for your FCC Ham exam get a hold of the "Now Your Talking" and check out this pod-cast.

    Now Your Talking

    Ham Radio PodClass

    There are a lot of benefits to getting your entry class (tech) fcc licence. Out of 2.4 band transmission with off the shelf wireless cards (atheros/fon), Long Range Packet Transmission (PSK31), High Power transmission.

    Any one looking for help with ham questions send me a PM and I will help you as best as I can.



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