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Posts posted by jdogherman

  1. @computerchris: Now I see it Thanks.

    I have some doubts about the Arduino Yun being the Mark V. The pictures do seem to have the same USB orientation as the Yun BUT the spacing is completely off. Not only does the Yun have a micro usb between the USB A plug and the Ethernet BUT it also is almost the width of an Ethernet jack. The pictures show a much smaller space between the two. Also if using the YUN, the GPIO would need to be rerouted from the YUN. Why do that when you could just put it on the face of the enclosure?

    One other concern the pictures don't show how this thing is powered.

  2. With only 1 USB port, I would have to use a USB Hub to use an aircard/Android & my USB stick (for log cap) or to use my 2nd WIFi nic and a usb stick.

    Seems more often then not I would use a 2nd usb port.

    NOW if it had a spot to put a micro SD card in. That changes things completely.

  3. Ariel,

    Yes, that panel/charge controller with a sealed 12v battery would do the job. The only concern is will it KEEP the battery topped off with juice given the use of the pineapple. Without testing it and seeing how much power it can supply when in its final location you cant absolutely determine that it will work in ALL situations Many variable can affect performance (amount of sun it gets or lack there of, Angle, shade, global latitude position, bounce, etc.)

    For 36 bucks with prime it seems like a cool experiment And if you decide you need MORE power you could always combine 2 panels together.


  4. Your hub must be back-feeding the usb host (mk IV). What model is this? without a limiting circuit in the hub IF you plugged the wrong power adapter in (polarity) You might fry the usb port that is acting as the host.

    My hub does not do this (just checked) But I guess it makes sense if the 5v is being powered out the USB port on the Mk IV and depending on the location of the voltage regulator to the rest of the Mk IV it would be possible to feed the MK IV via USB Host.

    Once Again Be Careful as it could damage the MK IV to have -5v or a higher voltage (-+6v out of USB spec) back-fed into the Mk IV.

    What Model HUB are you using?

    I'm using a DyNEX 4 Port Travel Hub DX-THUB16

  5. The usb standard is fine what is troublesome is the hub issue. I have used several powered and non powered hubs but I havent been able to get a working usb hub working. Without a working hub I can't keep storage and other devices working.

    The only other thing that this expansion board adds is a serial adapter (not really needed for most of us as we already have it. but nice to have)

  6. I think this cool also but your idea of GPS would really take this over the top.

    I also like the vector that this could add. Maybe a remote access module that allows you to control multiple pineapples in the field using one UI.

    Maybe create a service that could combine all the data on a VPS and act as a headend for the pineapple control with logging.

  7. I think a different yagi might fit in there perfectly fine (if plastic casing was used) Like a cisco AIR-ANT2410Y-R you would need to change or adapt the connector.

    Another option would be to cut some of the director elements off the Hak5 Shop Yagi. It would give you a wider beam spread but still much more directional than a Dipole. Again it all depends on what you are tying to do.

  8. might be able to make a battle case with something like this...

    I used one of these for a foxhunt (ham radio hide & seek)

    Big problem (as Molotof said would be putting the antenna inside. Best case being you dont get a good signal outside of the box (Faraday cage), Worst being that you destroy the radio & amplifier in the pineapple.

    Now that dosent mean you cant drill a hole in the box and stick the antenna on the outside. :)

    A couple of bulkhead fittings for USB, Power, LAN & WAN

    Then you would have plenty of room for a honkin sealed lead acid battery and charging circuit.

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