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Posts posted by Seshan

  1. I'm waiting for official extension support and 1password to get a extension then I am switching to Chrome on OS X.

    I also agree with RogueSpear, Flash needs to die. I don't think firefox would be so bad if flash didn't suck.

  2. cod6 aka modern warfare 2 blows on PC, it was just a port from the console.

    IW can eat my ass.

    It's wasn't a port! They added mouse controls, text chat and graphic settings!!! :rolleyes: (If you don't know what that was from don't comment.)

  3. an ipod touch!!!!...i love this thing soooo freakin much after having a nano for so long!!!...

    is there a netstumbler ap for this thing?

    I use WIFI Trak, costs 99 cents it just scans for networks. Also check out wififofum, never used this one, cost 2.99 if you had a iphone it KML logs the AP's.

  4. I lol's when people say "Some one hacked my *insert random game here* account". When it's really they are just dumb, and either one or more of the things Sparda said happened.

  5. It could still be on the side of the US, They see the video feed and notice that's it's above them, they run out and get gunned down. :P Also, there must be a delay, even a delay of 60 seconds would pretty much make it useless.

  6. Can't you just capture cloned output through a VGA/DVI/HDMI/whatever port?

    the Booklet 3G only has HDMI, and if I recall their set up is VGA for screen recording.

  7. Ha, wow. I got it. Here was my problem.

    #!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
    # Copyright (C) 2008 dninja@gmail.com
    start() {
            include /lib/network
            [ -d /karma/www -a -f /karma/etc/httpd.conf ] && httpd -p 1471 -h /karma/www -r karma -c /karma/etc/ht
            iptables -I FORWARD -i ath0 -o br-lan -j ACCEPT
            logread -f | awk '{if ($0 ~ /(KARMA: |DHCPACK|DHCPDISCOVER|DHCPOFFER|DHCPREQUEST)/) {sub (/ \(.*\).*:
            tail -f /tmp/status.log | /karma/bin/logwatch & iwpriv ath0 karma 1 <------- Same line -----------
    stop() {
            killall httpd

    Your tut says "Add iwpriv ath0 karma 1 to the last line of the start() function in" So I added it to the last line. :P Maybe re word it or add a screen shot of what it should look like so other people don't have this problem.

    Well thanks for sticking with me and helping. :D

  8. <---this should be the address of jasager web interface if you followed my post.

    what is the IP address of your NIC connected to the fon?

    can you ping

    what is the output of "route print" (assuming you're running windows)

    I was setting my NIC to that was the only way I could SSH into it. I've tried and it didn't work.

    Here's the output from ping and route print.


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