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Posts posted by Seshan

  1. I don't think for a second that they were in the server for any length of time and were sniffing the traffic. I think they just figured out the userDB salt and cracked as many passwords as they could. If you look at the list they seem to have 3000 passwords, I don't think these forums have that many active users, and even a large amount of logged in lurkers couldn't account for those numbers.

    That means the forums save old passwords. Some people have multiple passwords, or like mine my older password I use to use. Witch is kinda stupid.

  2. Keepass is ok if you need it, but it would not have saved anyone in this scenario since they were basically sniffing them in realtime.

    That's what I don't get, One of my old passwords was in there. So how long where they sniffing?

    I also think there is two versions, or at least some edited ones, When I used google cache to find the leetupload one because it was no longer there, my username wasn't in that one. I think it's safe to say if you have logged in in the last month, you pass is out there.

  3. Hes either very smart or very stupid...

    Never seen Hackers?

    Mine was npanpanpanpa. Pretty lame tbh. I had a much better one but one day we were prepping for a segment where we were showing the insecurity of passing your password in plaintext http and I had to change it real quick since I said it while we were streaming on ustream. Thankfully its just some BS I made up and didn't use anywhere else.

    I had been using a formula where I would begin with a combination of many passwords combined plus a few characters that were based on the domain name I'm logging into with some math and a qwerty offset included.

    Of course if one were to get two or more of my passwords to other sites using this formula it would be possible to figure out the math and qwerty offset I was using -- so now I'm all about keepass and random goodess. Thank goodness keepass is available for blackberry in addition to the zillion other platforms.

    On a related note, I think it's about time to get a proper SSL cert for the forums. I hear godaddy sell's 'em cheap with a coupon code or something

    Pretty much what I did, now I kinda realize how stupid it was and have spent some good hours changing all my passes to 1password's random ass pass generator.

  4. It's on reddit... the cat's out of the bag.

    Yeah but still, less people know about it the better, their are also emails in that and some people might not know to change their passwords, then we get something like this... (Look below)

    haha i hacked deags account what a loser.

    bragging about his shit to the world. and i cun7f4c3 hacked him. hahaha. what a noob. the a-team sucks. hak5 sucks.

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