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Just wanted to point out this SWscanner (wardrive)program

Its a nice tool for wardriving under Linux this SWscanner program, i even think that Windows users can and wil find there way in it, its just as simple to use as netstumbler under Windows.


The only problem that i have with it is that the SWscanner program is bigger than the screen of my Eeepc 4G, bud maybe some here in this forum knows of a way to change the this SWscanner program so it will fit in the screen of a Eeepc 4G. (if so than please let me know howto)


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The only problem that i have with it is that the SWscanner program is bigger than the screen of my Eeepc 4G, bud maybe some here in this forum knows of a way to change the this SWscanner program so it will fit in the screen of a Eeepc 4G. (if so than please let me know howto)

I can't tell you how to change the size of the app because it's likely that you just can't. What you can do, however, is use a modified graphics driver for the eee (I believe there are Windows and Linux methods) that allows the use of higher resolutions and scales the high resolution down to fit on the screen. It won't look spectacular, it'll appear slightly distorted or stretched because it's not the native resolution of the LCD but it'll do the job. The other option is to use a driver that supports desktop scrolling so you can use a higher resolution but just pan around the screen as necessary.

http://forum.eeeuser.com/ has more information.

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Looks like a bit like a netstumbler clone.

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I'm new to the eeepc Can you get this from the apt-get install command? or do I need to download the package and install this?


Are you still useing the Xandros os that came with the EeePc?


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I'm new to the eeepc Can you get this from the apt-get install command? or do I need to download the package and install this?


Are you still useing the Xandros os that came with the EeePc?


Yes I am still using xandros

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I have downloaded swscanner-0.2.2.tar.gz unzipped, untarred then ran ./configure and i get

checking for X... configure error Can't find X includes Please check your installation and add the correct paths

Can anybody help me out and point in the right direction?

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Nope its: sudo apt-get install build-essential

And by the i found out that the EeePc Xandros is not supporting a SWscanner installation (sorry)

Maby its time for you to get instead of EeePc-Xandros OS the Ubuntu-eee Os on your EeePc



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for all Ubuntu-eee and Ubuntu 8.04 users that did not get the SWscanner program to run, is Here here the sollution. its a .deb file of the latest SWScanner software (version 0.2.3-svn)

And for all other Debian based linux users is HERE the Tar.GZ file version of the latest 0.2.3-svn version of the SWScanner software.

Have fun with it, and keep it legal :mrgreen:



I have got the SWscanner running on my EeePc (with the Ubuntu-Eee OS) by turning of som settings in the 'View' setting settings.


I just love working with my EeePc :lol:

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