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What do you guys want in a Game/Software/Hardware review site?


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What do you guys want in a Game/Software/Hardware review site?

I have been meaning to create one; and at the moment I am doing a concept design. I need to include stuff people want, as as the Hak5 community has been all around the web I was wondering what functions you would like to see in a review site? Maybe things others are missing or just what you would like to see.

Thanks; at the moment I have:

Website Functions:

review & howto


- Include good high quality preview images

- Users to submit their own reviews using a form that has spell checking. Reviews are held off main site until accepted or edited.


-Shopping Websites



Helpdesk forum

Other things I need:

Most Popular Game heading

Search Function

clean Printable pages

Maybe a forum: Howto area; with guides.

If possible; reviews translated into other languages.

RSS Feeds

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There's a billion out there, so you'll probably have a hard time getting noticed. Best of luck to you.

What I want in a review site is basically what the HotHardware / Tom's / Anandtech / HardOCP / etc of the world bring. Except for some MAYOR annoyances that some of these sites tend to have.


- 2 lines of actual article content per ad-laden page.

- lack of realism. Like calling 2 FPS difference 'significant' rather than the statistical anomaly that it is.

- Putting a lot of opinion in a review. It doesn't have to be a dry display of numbers, but do we really need to know how a something came to be?

- combining the results of a current review with the results of (far) older reviews 'for reference'. That was on Tom's once. Where they did a 'massive CPU review' by comparing everything made since the P100 with eachother. Yawn!

- getting into pissing contests with other review sites.

- bias / fanboy-ism.

- and image says more than a thousand words, but make them count. When reviewing something based on a game, you could just put the numbers on the screen as-is.

- usable navigation through the article, and the possibility to direct-link to a page.

I'm sure there are more, but if you can steer away from those you're already well on your way of creating something worthwhile.

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What do you guys of this concept design?

I think it looks bad, sorry. Your name in boring, thin letters, presumably as banner, the reviews in the same boring letters and font so you don't immediately see a separation between banner and available content. The image of the logo or packaging of the item next to it is too small an image, a stray .RSS logo which doesn't tell me or makes it obvious what it feeds to me (game reviews, hardware reviews, both, other, all?) and a _lot_ of wasted space in the bottom-right.

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