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One of my friends has recently been infected by Spy sheriff. I was wondering if anyone has encountered this virus before. I've looked around a lot, but because it says to use regedit, I'm kinda scared. I don't want to do anything I shouldn't. So any help would be great. Thanks.

Some things that I've found that are said to be removed are:





Thanks again.


If the computer got owned the only way to fix it is to reinstall the OS. Any thing that gets the computer back in to a usable state should be considered temporary.


Yeah.... I know.... but the father, thinks he knows everything.... and won't let me, even if I could.... the computer is a windows XP home edition 2002... from dell. I doubt they'd have the CD to reinstall it.


perhaps you should show your dad this thread, perhaps having the highest poster on the forum recommend a reinstall would convince him ;)

Also, I hate dell, they suck (speaking of computer manurfacturers sucking, I have already had my first vista horror story with some one who bought a computer from PC world), you should call them and see if you can get them to send you a reinstall disk.


Not my dad, friend, and her dad... He already said that he doesn't like me playing on they're computer because I have a different operating system.... So thats y I was wondering if deleting those registrys would be fine.... I have my own OS installer disks.... the dad just thinks he knows everything...

If the computer got owned the only way to fix it is to reinstall the OS. Any thing that gets the computer back in to a usable state should be considered temporary.

cos u'll reply to almost anything even spam :roll: and this is your life ... (not that i'm not thankfull , u usually help alot , no w8 usually u're rude ... anyway i still like ya XD why aren't you on vent anymore ?)

Not my dad, friend, and her dad... He already said that he doesn't like me playing on they're computer because I have a different operating system.... So thats y I was wondering if deleting those registrys would be fine.... I have my own OS installer disks.... the dad just thinks he knows everything...
So, I'm afraid that you can do nothing more. You've offered your help and it's been declined. End of story!

ditto the internet gained 1 more spamzombie due to arrogant dumb consumers not knowing how they shud treat a computer let alone protect it ...

If the computer got owned the only way to fix it is to reinstall the OS. Any thing that gets the computer back in to a usable state should be considered temporary.

ye, that's about right lol. I hate it when people use technology wrong (you still running your LCD screen that has a native res of 1240x1024 at 800x600 DLSS? ;)) and it rely get to me and makes me want to shout at people lol :lol:

Yeah.... I know.... but the father, thinks he knows everything.... and won't let me, even if I could.... the computer is a windows XP home edition 2002... from dell. I doubt they'd have the CD to reinstall it.

IF they're lucky and they're still in warranty with Dell, they can get a CD sent to them free of charge to reinstall the OS. They just have to say they lost the one that was originally sent with the computer, and Dell will send a replacement. It'll be a Dell branded install CD, but at least they'll get their OS back


As has been said, if he doesn't want you to fix it there's little you can do. It'll eventually die, he'll buy a new one, repeat this situation, etc...

I'd usually say he doesn't deserve help at all if he thinks like that, but that could be off the mark, he might just be worrying that you'll mess up a very expensive piece of equipment which is understandable when you really don't know how computers work.

Another spam zombie perhaps, but maybe an opportunity to talk to him about the effects of malware and why he needs to get it sorted, even if it takes getting a 'pro' in to do it? ;)

just a side note, dont all Dell PC's come with recovery CD, unless they were taken of a back of a truck?

No, Dell try to rip you off more by having a 'recovery' partition (so you lose like 5GB of the disk space you paid for) which can only be used if windows is actually working. This (in my mind) defeats the point of having a way to factory reset function on general public consumer PC since they will keep using windows until it stops working, at which point it's not possible to use the hidden partition reset functionality, so you have to call dell and get them to send you a disk to use it. This is a good example of a company abusing there power.


The recovery partition thing is fairly new..doesn't apply in this case since I saw 2002? The recovery partition was put in as part of a media reduction thing (no more CDs to sent out) in the last couple of years and works just fine if the OS is completely FUBAR since you can boot to the recovery seperately. I don't remember the exact keys, though I think it was Ctrl+F10 at boot. However, if you've ever formatted and reinstalled before, the partition will be gone.


Meh he thinks Windows defender will fix it... Sooo whatever, I just laughed at him when he said Microsoft makes everything you could ever need. Soooo Its his own problem, if he dosen't want my 13 or so years of experience with computers then, he can spam all he wants with his dial-up computer. And most manufactured computers that u buy for around oh say $2k don't come with any recovery disks, installers, or OS's...


he sounds just like most of the computer illiterate out their.... my ex was the same way, never listened to me when i told her she was going to screw up her brand new laptop needless to say i ended up braking up with her because she never got a clue about the computer or anything else…. Just goes to show you how many ignorant people there are.

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