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Fool the spammers...


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So I'm thinking the bots do either one of two things. First, we all know they will register a user name and then post in a section.

So they seem to only post in ONE section, Everything Else. I am curious if they do it by scanning the viewforum.php?f=(numeral) or they just end up using the default "everything else".

So what if we change the Everything else forum section to another section with the same name? Or change the name and see if it helps for a little bit?

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They probably pick this one based on the amount of topics and posts in it.

Might be an interesting spam trap though: create a forum with a truly STAGGERING (and obviously fake) amount of topics and posts. This should be quite easy to do as the forum metadata that holds stuff like amounts of posts and topics is kept separate from the table that actually holds any of these posts.

Hey Vako, is this worth a shot?

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I think they're simply going threw them in a list, because the oldest sub-forums seem to get spammed the hardest. Now, ideally to combat this you would need to move all the existing forums to new ID's and create a spam trap within the first forum. Basically a huge amount of work before you see if it has any effect. My main aim right now is to figure out why the mods I want to use will not install on this copy of phpBB (better image thingy, hidden fields that fail the registration when you fill them in etc).

There is a human element to this, but beating them will be much harder.

I also thought there's a way to create rules to disallow creation of topics with specific words in phpBB...

Which words do I choose though? And how would this impact legit users?

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There is a human element to this, but beating them will be much harder.

You should make users with newly made account watch a 30 - 60 second video (with click time out) like I suggested (and prototyped successfully) a while ago. If that doesn't deter them I have no idea what will.

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Right, we have Dev.5, we have a lot of people who want changes made to the forums anti-spam measures, I don't have enough free time... lets turn this into a Dev.5 Project. If you can get together, do the R&D then it will help me deploy this stuff faster. Idea or not people?

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I had posted how to add captcha to the phpBB forum a while back.. a couple of times in fact. It isn't hard or time consuming. But I'll get some more info tomorrow. Project Hak.5 - Fool the Fools!


Too bad there's not a rule where you can't MAKE a thread until you post in a certain thread or any thread...

The extra mods probably don't install because of server wide PHP settings... like global variables being off/on... etc.

Also found this


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ok wotever u do dont add more captcha's they allready drive me mad , some sites have them set on some uber high renew rate wich makes mine always fail :,( seriously especially with the captcha implementation on some phpbb's its just shit ...

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