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How to connect SATA to USB?


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I was wondering how I would be able to connect my SATA disk via USB.

I've been looking at the pinouts for both USB and SATA, and I saw that USB has only two data pins, but SATA has four of them.

How would I go about connecting them together, leaving power alone for now...

Would I have to connect it via two USB connectors or can I just connect two of the data pins together, so I only have two?


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Keep in mind this is not a simple pinout solution.  This is a controller solution.  You will need to build a controller.  USB and SATA do not directly chat in the same language with the same pin outs and voltages.  You will need the pinout to the appropriate voltages for the voltage side and then a controller (maybe a pi if it is fast enough (may need to write the software in assembly or C to get faster responses) or a special programmable chip) to handle the conversion from SATA to USB.  Dude, thinking about it is making my head hurt and I'm lazy hehe.


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15 hours ago, PoSHMagiC0de said:

Keep in mind this is not a simple pinout solution.  This is a controller solution.  You will need to build a controller.  USB and SATA do not directly chat in the same language with the same pin outs and voltages.  You will need the pinout to the appropriate voltages for the voltage side and then a controller (maybe a pi if it is fast enough (may need to write the software in assembly or C to get faster responses) or a special programmable chip) to handle the conversion from SATA to USB.  Dude, thinking about it is making my head hurt and I'm lazy hehe.


Didn't think that it was that hard to do... sorry :D

I thought that it would be just a cable that had SATA on one side and 2x USB on the other side, and we'd be set... :D

I guess it's much better for me to buy a premade cable then... thanks!

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Yeah, unfortunately SATA HDDs require a SATA Controller to actually read the data and manage the interface. Much like USBs need USB Controllers to determine the device connected and help it interface from PC to device.

There are adapters (as everyone else has said), but you can get things like docks and stuff for things like eSATA and even SATA to USB.

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