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ive been trying to get wifi pineapple for the past 4 - 5 months and had resorted to alternative methods including failed attempts (twice) on flashing tp link (MR3020 & MR3040) and getting ripped off over cloned product advertised as wifi pineapple. eventhough they are all cheaper options but i would really hope to purchase directly from you guys and not be forced to compromise my technolust.

although pineapple is a tropical fruit and i am located in Malaysia (tropical country) there is no shipping option here and i wonder if there is any way to convince you guys about the growth potential that your products might have in this part of the globe? anyhoo, its been 2 hours into 2015 where i am located and i would like to invite your attention to the future wherethe grass is green and the girls are pretty. have a great + safe new years eve and hope to hear from you soon. take care!!

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While I cannot speak for the Hakshop, I can speak for myself as a reseller and why I would perhaps not sell into Malaysia.

The amount of legal loopholes, the less then transparent operation of your country regarding regulatory laws, make selling into Malaysia a daunting prospect, and for a small company a lot more trouble than it is worth.

That all could change in the near future of course.

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One thought is find someone you know/trust in a nearby country that can get it shipped to them, and have them mail it to you. It may not be that they don't want to ship to Malaysia, but as mentioned, it may not be an available route for them from their distributor(s).

Other thought, try the Trading Post, swap some gear, maybe someone wants something you have, vice versa..


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I think the point is, if I buy one on his behalf, send it on to him and somewhere between him and me the item disappears, what happens then?

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I think the point is, if I buy one on his behalf, send it on to him and somewhere between him and me the item disappears, what happens then?

Nothing, that's a private transaction and no ones problem bar the two people involved.

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I'm specifically referring to that problem between the two people involved. He could claim I never sent it, I could claim customs must've seized it or some postal service employee somewhere decided to open the package and take possession of it for their own needs. Bottom line is, it'll be next to impossible to find out which of the situations occurred, assign the blame accordingly and move on.

If it's me that got it from the hakshop, it's a problem between him and me. If it were you that sold it on, because you're an official pineapple distributor, he could choose to blame you for the botched delivery and make this reflect poorly on the pineapple sales operation. In other words, if it arrives everybody's happy but it might've just been sheer luck this time. If it doesn't arrive, you risk losing your reputation and get to deal with the fallout that comes with that. I'd say that risk greatly outweighs any profits/benefits to be made.

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Buying from the Hakshop, has protection from the Hakshop. Buying from a reseller, such as myself, once again has protection (trust me the insurance setup was rather fun to do) from the reseller if they are a legitimate one. However, getting someone else to buy it and ship it (someone who isn't an actual reseller or company) has NO comeback if they send on the money and it disappears on the way. If that was to happen, after say I had sold it via the European Store, and someone then contacted me my response would be "Hey, that person bought it off me. That person got it delivered. That's my part in this done. "

The reason I don't ship to certain countries is due to the fact I cannot say for definite it will arrive, delivery services for certain items can be tricky. Unfortunately things do go missing. And also there are other legal reasons for some countries too.

As Cooper clearly said the risk greatly outweighs any profits/benefits to be made.

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