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  1. if insurance is the issue, can i waive the insurance and have the shipping tracked instead?
  2. hello, ive been trying to get wifi pineapple for the past 4 - 5 months and had resorted to alternative methods including failed attempts (twice) on flashing tp link (MR3020 & MR3040) and getting ripped off over cloned product advertised as wifi pineapple. eventhough they are all cheaper options but i would really hope to purchase directly from you guys and not be forced to compromise my technolust. although pineapple is a tropical fruit and i am located in Malaysia (tropical country) there is no shipping option here and i wonder if there is any way to convince you guys about the growth potential that your products might have in this part of the globe? anyhoo, its been 2 hours into 2015 where i am located and i would like to invite your attention to the future wherethe grass is green and the girls are pretty. have a great + safe new years eve and hope to hear from you soon. take care!!
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