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EP 1703 Reconnaissance


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Reconnaissance is a very powerful tool, especially with mac addresses from cell phones. It could be used to augment video surveilance when the pictures captured are less than perfect (at night). Matching time stamps of mac addresses with video could conceivably help identify who broke into your car at 3am.

It is also conveivable that if you monitored mac addresses over a couple of weeks it would be possible to dissern between local residents, and "visitors" of your area, and even create alerts for specific scenarios. Having an OUI identification feature would help a great deal in filtering out static devices like media servers, game systems, printers etc.

It could even be used as a wireless intrusion detection system. Have it track all devices connected to your wifi and alert you when a new device connects, or if new AP's start appearing with lots of people connecting to them ;)

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The only problem with that right now is that recon is extremely "heavy" on the cpu. I brought expanding on recon up to Darren a few weeks back and he said until the cpu is wrangled in a bit the pineapple is being pushed enough. Maybe the HDK will change this or another pineapple. ...

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The only problem with that right now is that recon is extremely "heavy" on the cpu. I brought expanding on recon up to Darren a few weeks back and he said until the cpu is wrangled in a bit the pineapple is being pushed enough. Maybe the HDK will change this or another pineapple. ...

Or the new firmware version - it is super lightweight in regards to recon mode and will be released soon!

Best Regards,


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Hopefully the new firmware version will remove the need for this, but I am curious to see how the Micro Python board evolves.


I have done some reading on this, and also on the Adafruit CC3000 wifi board. My main question is "Will it run SCAPY?" Passing the recon task to a processor "shield" could add a new dimention to the pineapple. The Python board can be used with the CC3000, but no definite answer on monitor mode capabilities. I only see hints that the configuration program may be using monitor mode for a few seconds. Even without it's own wifi, perhaps the data from one of the pineapples antennas could be piped to the Python board? Lots of possibilities here, but of course, I will start with the Pineapple firmware update.

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