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GBA SP Screen

Bay-Cal Bob

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Here's a hint: don't omit the title information from the actual post when you need to refer to it.

And to answer your question: No. A Quick google reveals nothing. Are those 4 letters all you have of it?

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I don't think that the SP has the ability to be a touch screen.

I don't have much information but I have heard that Windows Vista has some fancy schmancy second screen application (different from a dual monitor setup). I have seen a laptop that uses this to show e-mail stats and things like that.

I seem to recall a place that used a PDA attached to a laptop and used a program very similar to the Vista thing. I bet that could do what you want.

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I believe they called it 'auxiliary screens' or something, could be useful but you know it's more fun to hack your own ;)

I also remember that PDA screen actually but I can't for the life of me remember where it was...

On topic though you won't be able to use a GBA SP as a secondary screen unless you use the whole GBA with some kind of TV tuner cartridge, I believe Foxx used an A/V input cart on BSoD on episode 6, check it out.

As for touch screen I don't think the GBA or SP had that capability, you'd have to interface a DS and that's gonna be a task and a half if you can't program and make your own GB carts.

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