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Ultimate Showdown of IPTV Superiority


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[Came up with this idea while chatting in IRC a few days back and thought it would be a fun idea. I used to write alot of song parodies just out of pure bordem and enjoyment of music. This is only the first version of this parody as i think i can clean it up a bit and make it better but i thought it was time to share with more than the IRC world of Hak5.]

Ultimate Showdown of IPTV Superiority (Parody Of Lemon Demmon's The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny)

by Shinmaryuu

Old DoubleD was sitting around

TechTV like a big playground

when suddenly KRose burst from the shade

and hit DoubleD with a Idea so great

DoubleD toked up and they started to film

thebroken was born and on the attack

who can forget the free pizza and Ramzi Hack

but now the broken was gone this is true

Kevin brought in Alex for a whole new feel

Revision3 was born with a Diggnation apeal

but before they could make it straight to the top

Hak5 episode 1 came out with a pop

Darren Kitchen, Wess Tobler, and Allicat

and blew IPTV away with a half assed hak

before they knew it they were on there way

Open Alpha is next to game away the day

This is the Ultimate Showdown of IPTV Superiority

Video Bloggers, IPTVers, and Vidcasters as far as the eye can see

And they all will survive, That's just the way it will be

This is the Ultimate Showdown of IPTV Superiority

A girl gamer it's about dang time

Jenn Cutter's her name and that's just fine

DLTV is up next yes Pattrick came back

Robert is there too with his lab in black

the show is great, so you better get ready

Ask a Ninja is quite deadly

I think Hope Is Emo is the next to get ripped

They are made by the same guys ain't that a trip

I'll let you catch up if you falling behind

open up iTunes and prepare to hit find

The More Input Show can not be missed

The 1UP Show either with it's gaming twist

Bre Pettis is cool but it's not MAKE's fault

Phill Torrone and MAKE are just cool by default

Here's a fun fact, when CFH canada comes on the air

Jenn Cutter and Hak5 can both be seen there, oooh

This is the Ultimate Showdown of IPTV Superiority

Video Bloggers, IPTVers, and Vidcasters as far as the eye can see

And they all will survive, That's just the way it will be

This is the Ultimate Showdown...

they may be quite broke and drive a Ford Tarus

but there low budjet shows shall never bore us

Network tv is calling it quits on there phones

and people are begging for there IPTV Jones

the network is down, writhing in pain

RSS is flowing and IPTV is winning the game

you can sit back and watch as the bandwidth flys

all network tv can do is sit back and cry

then Gibson the hacker and Louis the cook and

Kyle from pure pwnage that guy is real bright and

Alex Lindsy and Amber Mac the sweetie and

Math Club Chris and Michael Virdi

Da Poorboys, the Frederator, Techcentric, and Andy Walker

Dosman, on10, every single NerdTVer

Cody P. Christian and The greatest StepOne,

BSoD, Cali Lewis, Doc Tiki, and the new broken

Network TV was going down fast

As IPTV stepped up and kicked it's boring ass

the people had spoke and they liked what they saw

the forums and IRC were both in awe

and the fight raged on for a century

IPTV had finaly won, but eventually

the champion stood, the rest saw their mentor:

Leo Leport in a bright red sweater

This is the Ultimate Showdown of IPTV Superiority

Video Bloggers, IPTVers, and Vidcasters as far as the eye can see

And they all will survive, That's just the way it will be

this is the Ultimate Showdown...

this is the Ultimate Showdown...

this is the Ultimate Showdown...

of IPTV Superiority

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Pardy of white and nerd parody of riding dirty.

THe ryme is all fed up but its still funy.

They see me hacking

The school computers

Getting admin rights to change the users

I'm just a white hat hacker

Living in a black hat world

I'm just a white hat hacker

Can't even get me a girl

They see me enter

some passwords

and all the sudden I am admin

I just got admin rights

Cuz running student really bites

Gonnna dump all the passwords

Decrypt them even faster

Staying up all night to hack

All this caffine's gonna give me a heart attack

Social engennering like Kevin Mitnick

Don't know whats the next target to pick

My fans spin at 5400 RPM

Got 4 of em just to cool my RAM

My cpu's overclocked to the extream

Using liquid nitrogen to cool the thing

Go Check up on security focus

Look there's a new exploit for Locus

Add that one to my botnet

2000 machines are just like a pet

Playing COuter Strike off a stolen account

Shoot you so many times that you can even count

DDos you off the internet

Thats the last time you make a bet

There aint no computer I haven't owned

Ain't no number I haven't phoned

Program in C++ and PHP

Don't you ever again mention VB

I'll send you WMF's and VML's

Download execute is the story I tell

Hope you don't have an unencrypted Wifi

Oh look a Credit Card time to make an ebay buy

You see me moding

My toaster

Make it run linux I'm such a boaster

I love GNu Linux

It way better than Mimix

FreeBsd runs fast

It won't finish in last

I like to VM

My borwser

That way Im not full of spyware

I don't get all that spyware

Don't ever run IE

Live my whole life on FireFox

Don't ever let a hacker in my box

Don't own any softwear

I just torrent all my warez

If you need me why can't you see

Just connect to my IRCD

Oh woops I see your IP

Its time to flood the stack of your TCP

Don't tell me you Program HTML

Don't you know it's not a langauge it's hell

Your web page doesn't use CSS

Quit using Javascript you little pest

Your Prossesor stll has 8-bit's

You add 2 plus 2 it give you fits

Your still running DOS 6.22

I guess your one of the stupid Few

Got Windows oh thats great I'll hack you

Have my botnet jump up an attack you

Gonna go grab a Ucom.jp

That a 100 megabits incase you didn't see

My Motherboard suports more CPU's than your car has doors

That way I can do my NOt's And's and Or's

Oh you use 256-bit AES

Ill just Rainbowtable your mess

You can use Blowfish thats ok

I'll just bruteforce it any way

You can use MD5 you sly fox

I'll just use the birthday paradox

You see me Searching

for exploit

I'm just trying to root more boxes

I just want to be a hacker

Not a script kiddie slacker

Hit up all over millw0rm

Looking for trojan worm

They see me Complie

Some SOurces

ANd executing command.com

JUst love to use command line

Type, pipe, cat, and bind

I'm not a black hat cracker

I'm just a white hat hacker

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This was originally part of a segment idea over in Dev.5

Sung to Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters":

Twice the price of a plain PC.

One-button mouse to keep things easy.

Really slow, but don't you see

It's a mac, and nothing else matters

Bought the ipod, and a macbook pro.

Scratched the ipod, but fixed it with Brillo

Maxed the credit card, but don't you know

It's a mac, and nothing else matters.

Got a Steve Jobs poster on my bedroom wall.

Girlfriend didn't like it, so she had to go.

Like I'd pick her over my biggest hero.

He gave us the mac, and nothing else matters.

Windows SUCKS, compared to OSX

But then it SUCKS compared to anything.

But that's known.

Twice the price of a plain PC.

One-button mouse to keep things easy.

Really slow, but don't you see

It's a mac, and nothing else matters

Windows SUCKS, compared to OSX

But then it SUCKS compared to anything.

But that's known.

Bought the ipod, and a macbook pro.

Scratched the ipod, but fixed it with Brillo

Maxed the credit card, but don't you know

It's a mac, and nothing else matters.

Got a Steve Jobs poster on my bedroom wall.

Girlfriend didn't like it, so she had to go.

Like I'd pick her over my biggest hero.

He gave us the mac, and nothing else matters.

So what if there are no games?

So what if the color scheme's gay?

Steve Jobs isn't just some fool.

At least he isn't Bill Gates' tool.

I'm a Mac fanboy

Twice the price of a plain PC.

One-button mouse to keep things easy.

Really slow, but don't you see

It's still a mac, and nothing else matters

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