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PwnPhone Review

Guest spazi

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Guest spazi

Hi guys, I thought I'd share my opinion on the pwnphone from pwnieexpress.

I bought a used n900 in near mint condition for about 80 USD.

Pwnieexpress normally charge a 1000 bucks for a n900 preloaded with pwnphone (currently out of stock), but they released the install files for free!


Installing the pwnphone onto the n900 took quite a while, but considering it's a old phone and about 1.8 gb worth of files, It's understandable. I drank some tea and just waited when the phone was done and rebooted.

The install instructions were easy to understand and was a step by step guide. Nice!


After boot up the pwnieexpress background shows up and shortly after loads of small little evil icons starts to show.
There is all the stuff you need really, Metasploit,. Ettercap etc. etc.

I was surprised to see that Reaver and Cleven wasn't installed. I did apt-get install reaver and cleven was installed through the app manager.
Reaver works great through the terminal, but wash needs "-c" while using it otherwise it prompts error messages "found packet with bad fcs, skipping..." and AP's won't show up.

Cleven works with WEP and WPS, but Reaver won't work in Cleven. Still working on it though.

there are two apps for switching monitor mode on and loading a packet injection driver for the wifi. Easier than typing :)

I haven't even scratched the surface of what this phone is capable of, but I'm really impressed!


I do like the PwnPhone. Some people have complained about the wifi range, I think it's great. I have also considered trying to hook up my alfa AWUSO36h. Some people have tried and made it work. Does need a lot of tinkering though.

The packet injection driver really shortens the battery life (only lasts for about 1 hour), which is a bit sad, but it's a old phone and the battery is only about 1300 mAh. I've considered buying a battery from Mugen. It's a huge battery and makes the phone 7mm thicker. A deeper back cover is included in the price. does add a lot of battery life.

It's great for capturing WPA handshakes, so I'll probably decrypt them at home instead of in the field. If I remember correctly, the phone only tries 50 keys per second.

Some features needed tinkering, but did get a lot of help from the maemo forum. Pwnieexpress forum is a bit dead though...

I haven't experienced it being very buggy. Can't complain there.

Considering the price and features this is a great little toy and I can't wait to try it out in "the field"

Anyone tried it yet? Can't believe hak5 haven't mentioned it in one of their episodes.

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Guest spazi

Yeah, I think the guy just wanted to get rid of it.

Before I got the phone, I mostly used a asus 1015PED notebook that I bought used. Upgraded it with a SSD harddrive. Installed backtrack 5 r3 and it just works.

Been thinking about making a new pc for cracking keys and pentesting. It's in the 2000-4000 USD range though :p

I tried kali in it's early release. Wasn't for me, but I've read that it's been ported to raspberry pi. Gotta try it out :)

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The two things I was most curious about this phone was battery life (thanks for answering that one!) and speedyness. Does it take 10 minutes to load metasploit? Or is it pretty snappy? Thanks for the review spazi - enjoy the new wifi toy! And for $80, I would not have passed that up either!


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Guest spazi

I would say that Metasploit takes about 5 minutes to load. I still haven't tested it properly though. Almost all of the programs load very fast, but they are very simple. Only the big ones takes a few minutes.

Battery life is ok, but as I said, I'm gonna change the battery to something bigger and it should atleast double the battery time.

I took it out for a spin at a shopping mall. Cracked a WEP password in 10 minutes and a WPS pin in about 3 seconds (A really stupid and easy pin).

While I was switching between programs, the wlan0 did bug out a bit and I had to "ifconfig wlan0 down" and "ifconfig wlan0 up". That sorted out the bugging. Might do a script on that to save time.

You really have to do things in a certain order I believe. Switching between wifi cracking apps without properly shutting things down or putting the wifi back to managed mode, is something the phone doesn't like.

It worked out pretty good though and I had it on for the whole day and battery was about half in the end. I didn't use it that much though. Just testing normal use and standby time. I'm guessing when I got a bigger battery, it will be more than enough.

I've installed Yamas and tried sniffing for passwords and such. You'd be surprised how many cellphones are connected to the local free wifi hotspots.

While it was sniffing or loading programs I just locked the screen but the programs were still running. Very stealthy. I can imagine if I was doing the same with a laptop, people would stare at me.

The same day I went to my brother, hooked up the phone to his LED screen through composite video, worked pretty good.

Another great feature is SMSCON, it's a program that let's you control your phone over text messages. How cool is that?!

From what I understand, pwnphone is installed on top of Maemo 5. So this is a regular phone. Texting, calling and such should work :)

I'll get a sim card soon and a phone number so I can test out the other features.

Of all the phones pwnieexpress could have turned into hack machines, they chose the n900, probably for a reason.

I actually wouldn't mind using this as my everyday phone hehe.

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They used it because it runs a version of debian out of the box. I really wanted to get one of those phones when they came out. We had metasploit running on the old N800 and N810 pda's from them. Now we can just run metasploit in a chroot environment on our android phones, probably about as fast.

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Guest spazi

Will do

Thanks for the good review spazi, I would appreciate it if you tested if cellular functions work

Good luck:)


Will do

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They used it because it runs a version of debian out of the box. I really wanted to get one of those phones when they came out. We had metasploit running on the old N800 and N810 pda's from them. Now we can just run metasploit in a chroot environment on our android phones, probably about as fast.

yeah im with you. the pwnphone thing is cool and all but i mean really you can pick up a pretty awesome used tablet on criaigslist and do all that and more. i never leave home without one of my tablets and i always have one of my phones with me. so for meim droid'in it all the way.

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