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Sftp Connection


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if you want to develop to the pineapple, you would probably prefer using something more robust then nano or vim.

SO, try issuing:

opkg update
opkg install openssh-sftp-server

you will now have the ability to use an SFTP connection to the pineapple.

if you are a mac user like me, you can use Transmit to mount the pineapple to be a volume you can access like any other volume.

and im sure there is compatible software for windows/linux too..

hope you'll find it useful :)

ps. it will NOT work if you will install it to the usb

Edited by DAV
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if you want to develop to the pineapple, you would probably prefer using something more robust then nano or vim.

SO, try issuing:

opkg update
opkg install openssh-sftp-server

you will now have the ability to use an SFTP connection to the pineapple.

if you are a mac user like me, you can use Transmit to mount the pineapple to be a volume you can access like any other volume.

and im sure there is compatible software for windows/linux too..

hope you'll find it useful :)

ps. it will NOT work if you will install it to the usb

Pretty awesome DAV! Another package to add to my list for sure.

As for the not working when installed to USB I've very curious about this and will investigate this weekend - thanks


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if you want to develop to the pineapple, you would probably prefer using something more robust then nano or vim.

SO, try issuing:

opkg update
opkg install openssh-sftp-server

you will now have the ability to use an SFTP connection to the pineapple.

if you are a mac user like me, you can use Transmit to mount the pineapple to be a volume you can access like any other volume.

and im sure there is compatible software for windows/linux too..

hope you'll find it useful :)

ps. it will NOT work if you will install it to the usb


Perfect for espresso. I can tweak php files on the go now, thanks!

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Why not stick to SCP? I tend to try and squeeze all the space I can out of the pineapple due to it's limitations.

Mounting it as a drive in osx is awesome. WinSCP is plenty easy if you're in windows - terminal is also very easy in *nix - but you can't beat the convenience of the pineapple as a mapped drive.


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You can use programs to mount SCP to a folder..

IF you have to do that then I suggest that.


Any reason to avoid SFTP Seb? My only problem with it so far is taking up precious rom...otherwise its nice to have the convenience as a mac user (as previously mentioned).


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Exept the space issue, no.

But that is reason enough for me. I would install a program on the Mac that mounts ssh. They work well.



I also use sshfs for Mac OSX

This is the best way to install it:

cd ~/Downloads
## Download the latest version (as found on fuse4x.org) and install
wget https://github.com/downloads/fuse4x/fuse4x/Fuse4X-0.8.7.pkg
open Fuse4X-0.8.7.pkg
## Get the latest version of SSHFS (as found on github.com/fuse4x/fuse4x/downloads)
wget https://github.com/downloads/fuse4x/fuse4x/sshfs-2.3.0.zip
## Install sshfs binary to /usr/local/bin/sshfs (and install man page):
unzip sshfs-2.3.0.zip -d /

Hope it helps

Source: Here

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