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How Many Bananas Do You Have To Eat Before You Glow In The Dark ?


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From the article on wikipedia about bananas:

Bananas are naturally slightly radioactive, more so than most other fruits, because of their high potassium content, and the small amounts of the isotope potassium-40 found in naturally occurring potassium. Proponents of nuclear power sometimes refer to the banana equivalent dose of radiation to support their arguments.

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I don't think no one will be able to eat that many bananas. And glow in the dark, I doubt that.

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None, you will never glow in the dark by eating bananas lol maybe if they are radio active. I dont like bannanas anyways except in a smoothy shake mixed with strawberrys or something. I have heard of people smoking the dryed insides of the peels to get high, thats about the most glowing I think you will get, if it works.

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From what I recall bananas do contain a small amount of radiation, but as far as I know all plant based foods do at some level, just not enough that it would be harmful to the human body. For instance, all ocean fish contain mercury in varying amounts. Too much mercury would kill you, yet people still eat fish. Apples for instance contain a poison in the seeds, yet one of my old co-workers used to each everything except including the seeds, except the stem. he used to each chicken bones too though. he was just weird like that.

Apple Seed Cyanide - http://www.snopes.com/food/warnings/apples.asp


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From what I recall bananas do contain a small amount of radiation, but as far as I know all plant based foods do at some level, just not enough that it would be harmful to the human body. For instance, all ocean fish contain mercury in varying amounts. Too much mercury would kill you, yet people still eat fish. Apples for instance contain a poison in the seeds, yet one of my old co-workers used to each everything except including the seeds, except the stem. he used to each chicken bones too though. he was just weird like that.

Apple Seed Cyanide - http://www.snopes.com/food/warnings/apples.asp


In addition fish has a good source of Omega 3, which has plenty of goodness for maintaining a healthy body.


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