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Computer That Backs Up All Ubs Plugged Into It?


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I know it works the other way around.. but is there any way to invisibly back up all usb devices plugged into your computer?

I've seen a computer virus spread via USB like this. It was actually a pretty big incident at my college. A few of us got to forensically investigate this live scenario hack/breakin.

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I've seen a computer virus spread via USB like this. It was actually a pretty big incident at my college. A few of us got to forensically investigate this live scenario hack/breakin.

My high school had a virus that spread via USB, but we picked it up early because it also spread via the network drives.

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  • 3 weeks later...
My high school had a virus that spread via USB, but we picked it up early because it also spread via the network drives.

This happened last year at my work, all machines got infected by Conficker which went brute forcing AD accounts and eventually locking them out.

Man it was a nightmare, the helpdesk in the company where I work for got flooded with Calls.

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