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i was just about to install update 3.4 but decided not to before i'd done some digging about ... i just noticed they are removing the install another OS option on this update why ?

are they trying to patch holes people may have found ?

should i update ... ?

*heads off to google for more info*


Sony are scared that the 'Install OS' feature will be used to modify the PS3 OS, thought this fear can neither be supported or debunked.

Guest Deleted_Account
Sony are scared that the 'Install OS' feature will be used to modify the PS3 OS, thought this fear can neither be supported or debunked.

Couldn't find the exact post but Geohot managed to access the Hyper-visor and has hacked the ps3. The exploit is released but as it needs hardware as well as otherOS it's not being used except by dev's. Sony removed OtherOS in order to prevent a software only exploit being released. I say don't update and wait for geohots CFW he is working on.

Guest Deleted_Account
Air Force PS3 Supercomputer Screwed By Sony Killing Off Linux Support:

Side note: http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20100513/0113129410.shtml

There is also a number of class action lawsuits in regards to this. I would think the above would give them a reason to keep the support.

I hope it has an outcome like some where they have to either put it back or reimburse everyone that was hurt by! xD

also from what i've read the Air force have "unlocked" ps3's and sony did it for them so they could use the full cell processor in other OS other than the limits we public have to live with.

I hope it has an outcome like some where they have to either put it back or reimburse everyone that was hurt by! xD

also from what i've read the Air force have "unlocked" ps3's and sony did it for them so they could use the full cell processor in other OS other than the limits we public have to live with.

Right, it looks as if their current machines are running the other OS bios but if they swap out a PS3 for a new one its going to have the disabled bios there in lies the rub. :(


I remember doing the update. I agree with Vako if you've purchased hundreds of them for the sole purpose of creating a cluster, you probably have other options.

However, I do remember thinking it was stupid. It basically said "You don't need to do this upgrade, however if you don't you can no longer go online, play new games or new blu rays." Basically everything, why didn't they just inform Linux users they will no longer be supported and let them be. Smarmy arsed bastards if you asked me.

Guest Deleted_Account

I used it to run linux after i got a blueray player and made it a game server for me and some friends worked quite well still does :) besides having to reboot to play ps3 games :P

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