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Hi, after watching the show for a few seasons, and reading books on computer security I thought it would be a good idea to encrypt my HD with true crypt, no problems there, until now :angry:

Here is the problem:

Some bastard decided to break into my room while I was running a quick errand, discovering I had left my computer logged in so an install could finish up

he then preceded to change my account to a standard windows account and create a new admin account with an unknown password so now I can't remove the encryption to konboot in to change the account back, and I have no idea what this password is, does anyone have a bright idea to fix this major f-up?

It is an Hp G60 notebook with vista SP2 and the symantec corporate edition mandated by my school

Any help would be appreciated

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Take the laptop back to your school, get them to remove the encryption with the rescue disk that if they don't have they aren't doing there job properly, and use http://pogostick.net/~pnh/ntpasswd/ to change the password on the new admin account.

Where's this magical rescue disk that can break truecrypt encryption??

Really... why would someone break into your room to setup an admin account? A thief would've taken the laptop.

Yea, I'm calling BS to the OP's story as well.

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Where's this magical rescue disk that can break truecrypt encryption??

Yea, I'm calling BS to the OP's story as well.

The "rescue disk" is not for breaking into tru crypt, its for getting logged back into the machine. As for true crypt, if he encrypted the drive, then his contents are safe, just eh cant get to them until the school(or he himself) manages to fix the windows login, which I woudl just throw in ophcrack and get the pass, reset, do waht you need to do. You could also go one better, boot a live disc that has True Crypt, mount the drive/true crypt volume, use trucrypt to decrypt contents, then copy your shit off to a backup somewhere, then nuke it and reinstall windows, load your stuff back on, start over.

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