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Jasager firmware release

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Thanks to help from or4n9e I've managed to build Jasager into its own firmware and it is now available for download from the Jasager site.

For anyone who tried the beta firmware the only change is that the package system now recognises that the Jasager package is installed.

For any version 2 users there are a few bug fixes around the auto exec scripts so it may be worth upgrading. I've also put the new packages in the download area so you can upgrade without having to reflash if you want.

For any one on version 1, please upgrade.

I'm working with or4n9e to build Jasager into the Piranah firmware but the way we are doing it I can keep a stand-along Jasager firmware as well for anyone who wants to keep space free for other things.

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what error message are you getting? Have you grabbed the file and put it on the device or is it trying to download it, if the latter, does it have net access?

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I just updated from J2.1 to the firmware and no trouble at all. The only thing you need to do after the flash is telnet in and set the password then enable the wireless.

Thanks DigiNinja and everyone else who helped make this project a reality.

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here is what happens when I try the IPKG:

root@OpenWrt:/# ls

bin etc jffs lib proc root sys usr www

dev home karma mnt rom sbin tmp var

root@OpenWrt:/# cd tmp/

root@OpenWrt:/tmp# ls

TZ opkg-1WXCpR script_name_list

dhcp.leases opkg-lXXiMU script_option_list

fstab opkg-lists state

haserl_0.9.24-1_mips.ipk resolv.conf status.log

lock resolv.conf.auto usr

log run webif_0.3-4709_mips.ipk

root@OpenWrt:/tmp# ip

ipcalc.sh iptables

root@OpenWrt:/tmp# ipkg install haserl_0.9.24-1_mips.ipk

-ash: ipkg: not found


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Here is what I get when I run OPKG:

root@OpenWrt:/tmp# opkg install haserl_0.9.24-1_mips.ipk

opkg: invalid magic


I'm sure its because its not a .opk package file instead its an .ipk package but where would I find the OPK files?

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I've had Jasager installed on my fon for a few months now, and have been tinkering around with it, slowly getting it working, but I think I may have changed some settings, and can't remember what the last few things I changed.. and now it's giving me some problems. (clients won't stay connected)

I want to try this new Firmware, but just wanted to make sure I've got the right idea here.

If I am following along at this tutorial, at Step 11, I am going to substitute your new flash files for the old ones.

And by using these new flash files, I won't have to install haserl, webif, ruby and jasager IPK files correct?

I will just need to setup the password, enable wireless and any details on OpenWRT.

What a great concept, and great forum for discussion about it.

Thanks to digininja for the code and the support in the forum.

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You will still need to install webif, my firmware only includes the minimum to get Jasager running.

But, if you are going to do a reflash, why not try the new Piranha release, it has all the goodies you'd need already pre-installed

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You will still need to install webif, my firmware only includes the minimum to get Jasager running.

But, if you are going to do a reflash, why not try the new Piranha release, it has all the goodies you'd need already pre-installed

@digininja, would you be willing to share your experience in building the Jasager firmware you put together? I'm interested in learning how to do this and would greatly appreciate any links you can share. More specifically I'm interested in the process of how you bundled everything together.

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@digininja, would you be willing to share your experience in building the Jasager firmware you put together? I'm interested in learning how to do this and would greatly appreciate any links you can share. More specifically I'm interested in the process of how you bundled everything together.

A lot of the credit has to go to or4n9e, I worked out a basic way of doing it, he refined it and put in the research to get it working without nasty hacks.

In terms of actually creating a basic firmware all you need to do is to download the openwrt build system, go into the directory and run a

make menuconfig

, chose the appropriate settings, especially the device processor, then save the config and run


or, if you want to see loads of output,

make V=99


To add extra packages you download the package archive then symlink packages from that into the package directory in the build system. When you re-run the make menuconfig the extra packages appear in the list and can be selected.

If you want the package built into the firmware then you need to select it so it shows *, if all you want is the package building then go for M. It is the same system as building a kernel, * is built in, M is module.

A nice way to cheat and get files into the firmware without messing around with Makefiles is to put them in a files directory in the build root. These files get added to the firmware at the end of the build so overwrite any files created by packages. This is how I created the beta firmware which is why Jasager and Ruby didn't show up as installed packages, now we have the Makefile they are installed correctly and opkg reports them as installed packages.

The firmware, once built, ends up in the /bin directory, just take that and flash it as normal. Watch out if using the redboot method because you need to specify memory locations and building your own firmware can change the size of the firmware so change the locations.

If you want any more info just shout. I haven't really got any good references, most of what I've got came from snippets I found all over the place. There is a reference in the openwrt wiki but last time I looked it was either missing something or out of date or something.

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Thank you for the info. This will definitely get me started. I hope you don't mind me asking a few more questions later on. I did notice that the build procedure you use produces two files: openwrt-atheros-root.squashfs and openwrt-atheros-vmlinux.lzma which are used to flash the Fon. However I noticed on OpenWrt's site that to flash the WRT54G you only need a single bin file. Can you clarify the difference for me? Why hot have a single bin file to flash the Fon with? Is this something that's hardware dependent? Thanks again...!

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