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My super awesome network.


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Today i added a 2nd wifi AP and switch. So i thought i'd share it. It's pretty intense. Most of the stuff is tucked out of sight so people think i'm normal. While 1 switch it gbit. it's all 10/100 except wifi.

Okay so first we have my p3 550 running ubuntu on which i have configured myself(non smoothwall or shit). It has 4 NIC's. 1 LAN, 2 WAN, 1 wireless LAN. Written my own fail over scripts in php. Squidproxy cacheing everything including youtube videos(which is GREAT bw saver for me because i watch music vids 10 or 20 times lol.)


This is my ADSL2+ modem WAN1.


Okay here we have 1 switch, 1 cable modem WAN2, 56kmodem used for sending faxes from hylafax which runs on the p3.


Okay here is the wifi AP 1. Its Upstairs. Wifi is on it's own lan. In order to access the rest of the network clients must VPN into the p3.


Here is the middle level of the house. We have another switch for the LAN and AP 2 on the same network as AP 1. The AP(black) runs DD-WRT and does dhcp for the wireless network. It configures the p3 as the deafult gateway though. It's just to save a tiny bit of load on the p3.


On the otherside of the middle level we have another switch for the TV area. This is for media center and ps3.


And Finally we have downstairs. It's only two rooms so it only has 2 ports. this is just a switch on the LAN.


Heres a network diagram i made in paint.

forum cuts this image off click it to see it fully.


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WTF Dual wan connections, now that is totally kick ass. What ya using to load balance your 2 ISP connections?

I like the idea of the ubuntu proxy type box but I am content with smoothwall myself (well other than that dual nat issue when trying to torrent, still aint re-visited that minor issue).

lol out of sight my ass, XD cables and antenna's jacked all over the joint but with that said your setup is pretty cool. However you need more switches =P /sarcasm

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whats totally kick ass is my peplink multiwan router using neighbors wifis giving me almost 80megs down

*shakes fist 80megs you lucky bastard*

I was thinking about doing pretty much the same think with the Hot brick LB2 and a couple of TP-Link access points that support client mode.

Does this look better? (added switch by server because limitations of software

lol Hex you sure went to alot of trouble using packet tracer to desing the topology, I would have just used visio or not worring about setting all the IP/TCP address just to get those lovely green lights.

Still extra credit is deserved for the extra work. XD

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before i moved house i used to run 5 20meg down 1 meg up cable modems loadballanced with wingate

will have to get some cable splitters and a signal booster and go for 10 plus this time

yeah um how much did that cost you?

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lol Hex you sure went to alot of trouble using packet tracer to desing the topology, I would have just used visio or not worring about setting all the IP/TCP address just to get those lovely green lights.

Still extra credit is deserved for the extra work. XD

Hell, no extra work... Didnt know how that happened (the green lights...) lol.

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yeah um how much did that cost you?

£6 each cable modem + time hacking them + £25 for the booster

i may be greedy and get 2 boosters and see if i can get 10 running this time

but i will have to find something a bit better than wingate to load ballance as its a pain in the ass sometimes

so any sugestions on software would be a bonus guys

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that's a sweet setup. especially the duel wan.. however i don't think that the tucked away to look normal concept really works (its ok though i still tuck mine away to look normal too, although it really doesn't work for me neither lol).

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