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it would be so much better if if it had a option to manually rip songs, that way users can just click a button like "grab this track" and it will initiate the rip

for the installer I could make a new forum post if needed, so users interested in just an installer that does the install and setup for them, can go to that topic for an easy setup.

it will be made relatively standalone except for the registry file for the settings but other than that, it wont bother any system settings or browsers, it will just run when the desktop icon is clicked along with firefox portable pre setup to work with it

if it is ok with the maker of the program, I can go ahead and do it

I will also include a copy of Flash (it will be unchecked by default, so users can optionally enable it just in case they don't have flash installed)

edit: yay done :) just fine tuning the installer script to improve automation (really trying to get the setup to be as easy as possible so users can just run 1 install that does everything that way all thats left to do is run the app and it will be ready to rip music

also included adblock to make the page look neater and ad-free

I guess i will also make a thread so there can be easy access to the installers (hopefully the installers will fix the problems of users complaining about pandorasaver not working

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finished making it use an XML config file. stores it in the scripts directory. (link in my post above)

as for this button, where exactly would you put it? in the page itself really would not be practical, but i could see keeping the last 20 or so that were not acted on for display in a window accessible from the config menu, in which they could be manually ripped (or ripped if it catches a thumbs up response). it would be a little work, but nothing too hard

i don't think the maker of the program would mind.


the main reason why i wanted a button for manual ripping was because many users prefer to rip song manually instead of using a cruse control style ripping because not every song on every station is good and removing the ones that aren't good can be very frustrating, especially in a cluttered music folder

and as for the button having one in either the program settings or injected into the webpage (either will be great)

but having it in the page will be great

that way users who prefer to manually rip songs can disable the cruse control (if possible) and then rip only the songs they like (instead of ripping every single songs then spending hours deleting songs they don't like or having the app rip the same thumbs up song over and over again when ever it plays )


if it cant be injected into the page then if it can just be added to the pandorasaver menu in the fiddler2 program (both will work great)

made the installer thread :)


right now I have it as a simple installer, which gives them full control over icons created, start menu items, and rather or not if they want to install the reg file with the settings and rather or not if they want flash player installed

once it is done installing, it is ready to use, no extra setup needed (uses firefox portable so none of their other browsers are effected

(will also work on more ways to make it easier :) )


yah, already implemented it in the form of the "View songs" option. keeps the last 30 songs, you can select from them at will. (turn on only rip positively rated songs)

it will show a tray icon with the same options as the pandorasaver menu, and doubleclicking it will open the folder. the icon can be disabled in the settings menu.

i could implement only downloading songs clicked as an extension of the positively rated song thing - when you click download song in the songs list, it sets the rating field to positve so it will download it. if it mangles that field when reading it to "0" always, it would never download any songs except ones you pick. i will implement it, it sounds like a good idea.


hmm cant seem to find the latest one you released. if your other post on this page it just the 1003 one which i got earlier today

did you edit that one?

nvm found it, (got confused because it was the same link)


done implementing automatic mode off (and it works) - gonna increment the version to 1004

http:// zzj.itf-inc.com/PandoraSaver1004-ZZJ.zip OUTDATED

positively ranking a song (when it is playing) will still cause it to be downloaded, but this would be simple to change.

you might want to sneak this change in there quickly, otherwise i think this is done. (exempting any possible bugs, but i've tested it pretty well)

notes on the installer thread-

it does now grab track when rated positively.

it can only rip positive songs or not automatically rip at all

you manually rip songs via the "View Songs" option on the pandorasaver menu or tray icon

you might want to put a list of contributors (hobbit, OP, and I)?

also, i incremented the version number just now as this really is quite changed from 1003 and lower.

a list of features might be good too


when i run the version 1004 it gives an error

"failed to read config file"

before and after fiddler2 launches, and then again when closing the program


and for 1003 i noticed a minor problem

sometimes when pandora is launched it fails to rip the first song , it gives this error



hmmm, that is odd. if it failed to create config, that means it probably could not write to that dir...?

anyways, i put a default PandoraSaver.conf in the zip under /bin. try download it and sticking it in the scripts directory (in fiddler2). overwrite the dll just in case

Odd, however, as i just tested removing the conf and it recreated it properly...

in the screen you posted it appears to have missed the audio URLs. i would try with the newest version. the 1003 that is up may be outdated or bugged (possibly both)

also, if you double click in the log window it will copy everything to the clipboard


tried recopying everything again still gives the same error

and when the program starts it gives another error

"Failed to read config file!"

(this error doesn't come up with version 1003)

(happens in both xp and vista)

I will record a video of the problem (including all of the fixes) so you can see if I am doing anything wrong



video coming soon

k the video is 21.26MB in size. the resolution is 1440x900 and the length is 5:15

I uploaded it to mediafire.com as other hosting sites that embed video tend to downsample them and that causes the text to become unreadable

download link:


tried recopying everything again still gives the same error

and when the program starts it gives another error

"Failed to read config file!"

(this error doesn't come up with version 1003)

(happens in both xp and vista)

Hmm. The version of 1003 you are using is probably sitll using the registry for configuration. i updated the zip with a new version that will give a bit more info about the error + has a fallback option. Also, check the scripts directory and see if the conf file has any contents in it. THe only thing that should cause an error is if the there is no config file present, but by what you are posting the code that will create one if there is not one is also failing. From that, i am guessing the path it is trying to save to is invalid...? which would mean fiddler is not installed correctly, because it uses the info from it to know where to put files and where exes are located. So, download it again, copy all the files, and rerun it. Let me know if it errors. if it doesn't, check for a file at C:\PandoraSaver.conf and or one in the scripts dir.


the registry files are the same ones that fiddler puts the only difference is it changes the settings that allow fiddler to hook into IE

but by default if you don't install the registry file, the fiddler2 will create the files anyway, the only difference is that they will now be using the default fiddler2 settings

I also tried it with out the registry files (since i didn't save any changes in my virtual machine, i can do afresh start each time,

(for the video recording i used my main windows xp install)


Simply put, i have no idea what is going wrong. Thus i have reverted it to using the registry, as atleast that is known to work. (i was unable to find a conclusive answer to what that error meant: some said errors in .net install?) I suppose it really doesn't matter as fiddler needs registry settings too, so it isn't truely portable. ah well

Download it at the normal link.


yay it works again, i thing the config files were looking you items in a fixed path which caused a problem of if a user didn't have a account name thats the same as yours for windows xp, it would see the area as invalid, and since not many programs are allowed to create account while windows is in use, it gave an error

1004 works perfectly now thanks :)

and the ability to manually grab track is better than ever.


hmm, shouldn't have been (it used the same fiddler API as the rest of saver does to get the path) but ah well, good to know it works again (using reg). truth be told, i wasn't sure the XML stuff was gonna work as it has been flaky for me in the past.

Let me know if you spot any bugs.

Only ones i know of currently is that sometimes the counter does not decrement when saving songs and that the logs window may stop updating (just relaunch it if you like)



* can now add a download button directly into the pandora page itself (does not work with ie)

* does not refresh mini player

* removes ads

* breaks the miniplayer check to see if it was spawned from pandora.com

* option to delete thumbs down songs

http:// zzj.itf-inc.com/PandoraSaver1004-ZZJ.zip OUTDATED


Great work.

I've tested it about every which way and it seems solid. The only other feature that would be nice to have is to expand the functionality that checks for an existing file and doesn't rip that song. I know you look for existing mp4 and mp3, but if the track gets converted to another type, it would be nice for the same logic to apply. That should be simple.

I'll probably play around with writing some external app that wraps all this up for a somewhat seamless interface that lets me size, position, and hide the various windows that are in use (Fiddler, Firefox, whatever) set my volume to a predefined level when launched, etc. Similar to what was done on the installer thread, but more of a one stop shop if you will.

Again, great work, keep it up!


Finished the checking for other songs - if there is another file with 75% + similarity in name to what the name that would be written would be, it will not rip again. the compare method is pretty durable, as long as there is some separation between the words that is not a letter or number (but that would make no sense anyways) it will figure it is the same thing. (75% similarity or greater). that is,

Hello World feat Joe & The Iinternets - This song is Neat (El o El).mp3


HELLO_WORLD!_feat._Joe_-_this_Song_is_neaT! Yay! (E_o_El).aac

would be (correctly) seen as the same thing and thus it would not rip again. However, this assumes that they are organized under the same system - it can't try to check for other dirs with similar names first because that would take an increasing amount of time per (or risk making assumptions) and it would have to compare every single possible file within to the base dir, and make guesses about the path. Maybe I should write a tool to handle that.

Another possibility i thought of was adding a "turbo" mode - that is, saving the responses normally but having fiddler feed Pandora a short aac response (so it plays more songs, faster). I've had it happen from time to time "normally" and it just goes to the next song quickly. worth a test. i'm not exactly sure how the sessions are handled & think that how it handles sessions would have to be changed so that it saves the proper response, not the small one. But the possibility is there.

Gonna wait to release this until I figure that out (and a few other small fixes) as 1.005, probably final unless pandora changes something.


Cool, ZZJ, that's way more of a matching feature than I was thinking of. I wouldn't work on any mass search. The assumption that the files will be in the same folder structure is more than reasonable.

One little thing I did notice is the tray icon stays when Fiddler closes. When the cursor goes over it, it goes away, but it is possible to get several of them in the tray and that may cause someone to panic if they don't know better. Not a big deal to me as I don't use the tray, just an observation. This is a common error when dealing with tray icons. You have to put the destroy icon code in your app unload/terminate event to fix this.

Again, good work. I look forward to the next release.


Hmm, that's odd...it always disposes properly for me (i noted this and had to add code to dispose of it when first introduced) I'll check if i am missing anything.

As for the matching feature, i missed one case: what if it is a mixes (the names would be similar) so the tolerance is going to be lowered to around 90% for songs with mix in the title. I may have to put an option to use normal strict compare because if the artist name has too many words compared to the song name the similarity will be too high and so it matches on any song by the artist...

turbo mode nearly finished, pandora will play a song every 5 seconds then (it replaces the response pandora gets with a 5 second blank aac clip) Just need a little more testing to make sure everything works properly. I should note that you should only run up to 3 instances of pandora at a time when using turbo mode, because of how fast they are running (having to get a new song every 5 seconds)


Whatever you think on the matching. I was just looking for something simple like ASongName.mp4 = ASongName.mp3 = ASongName.wma, etc. So any additional matching logic is just gravy. :)

Strange on the notify icon. It definitely stays for me. I just figured it was the common oversight I see so often. Maybe something else is going on on my end. I'll try a few more things or, if I get a few minutes, I'll scan through the code and see if I find anything. Never hurts to have a fresh set of eyes on it, right?

Will the turbo mode let the player operate normally or is that going to just be an intense ripping session?


no, ripping only, because pandora just gets a blank 5 second long aac file. it rips incredibly fast, with 3 or so running! i'll update the source uploaded now, though i'm still checking for bugs.

it is currently using "m_notifyicon.Dispose();" to get rid of it when fiddler unloads the plugin, how are you exiting fiddler? maybe it is skipping that?

also, i have finished made it using temp files instead of relying on fiddler to store song data - this is more reliable + if you have turbo mode on means that it will leak memory a lot slower (fiddler, that is, because it stores responses in memory and when the one is replaced it frees the 2mb or so of ram) a bunch of other misc changes under the hood were finished as well.



Yeah, uh, nevermind. I retested 1004 using fiddler only and it unloads just fine. Brain fart on my end. I made a quick and dirty wrapper and was just terminating the process while I debugged instead of sending the close message first. Blindly terminating a process doesn't let the app execute it's normal shutdown routines.


okay, 1005 is donish. Testing notes/feedback pl0x?

semicurrent features list:

• Bugfixes! Lots of em.

• Turbo download mode! 5 seconds per song ripped.

• Pandora helper, a mini helper window, catches keyboard hotkeys + volume control and sends to a Pandora applet running in firefox or opera. Shows up as a small somewhat transparent window with a playpause button, next song button, and volume slider. Option to launch on start. Access in settings or on context menu.

• Can insert a download button directly into the source of a Pandora page - click it to trigger a download! (only works with firefox/safari/chrome)

• Catches feedback requests and downloads songs

• Option to disable full auto download completely

• Song selection box & keeps a variable amount of songs in queue

• Better name matching capabilities (far superior, with option to use old)

• New settings box

• Can log duplicate songs encountered (may write a small app to parse this log and resolve problems with user helper

• Breaks mini-player Pandora check

• Removes some ads

• Tray icon

• Catches first songs played on a new station now

forgetting other stuff, i'm sure.

Edit: fixed deletion of bad-rated songs. also optimized the parsing code.


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