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School Filter


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epending on how the filter is setup there is a way to do it by modifying the arp cache by setting the gateway's IP to it's true MAC address, because some filters use ARP Cache Poisoning for filtering.

I don't think your'll find any filtering software uses an ARP Cache Poisoning attack. They cause large amount of problem if you were to run multiple ones on a network.

Anyway the point of the ACP attack is that the attacker changes the ARP Cache, so even if you had set it to the gateway's true IP and Mac, which would already be in there from when the machine first came on the network, the attack would simply change it.

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well i have my own administrator account on the school computer = yay me


how do i get past that stupid thing called a sonic wall =

*i already just use outlook express 4 my aol mail n another program 4 aim. and if u really must kno my own comptuer got trashed by my parents [they just dont understand me] so any help= appreciated :?

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well i have my own administrator account on the school computer = yay me


how do i get past that stupid thing called a sonic wall =

*i already just use outlook express 4 my aol mail n another program 4 aim. and if u really must kno my own comptuer got trashed by my parents [they just dont understand me] so any help= appreciated :?

best way earn some money and buy you're own computer

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all i can say is setup a proxy "phpoxy" or a "cgiproxy" and password protect it, this has happened to me before where one was setup and people found out the my hosting go fubar from bandwidth. usually password protet proxies will work just don't abuse it on stupid blogs, Pr0n, warez or myspace. the reason i set mine up was for some stupid reason some kid got google, digg and slashdot blocked. it's stupid and on top of that my admin was not responding from peoples complaints **Sigh**

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best way earn some money and buy you're own computer

meh, i did buy it... still didnt stop them from 1-snapping the memory chips, 2-throwing it at the wall and out the door, and 3-finally throwing it out. i built that thing from scratch! wahh i miss it, it ran faster than most computers<cuz people dont kno how to actuallt take care of them> anyways my mom n dad r like YOUR ADDICTED and there was mad drama, but thats a different story...<im not addiicted to the computer i swear, i just like to go on itt>

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best way earn some money and buy you're own computer

meh, i did buy it... still didnt stop them from 1-snapping the memory chips, 2-throwing it at the wall and out the door, and 3-finally throwing it out. i built that thing from scratch! wahh i miss it, it ran faster than most computers<cuz people dont kno how to actuallt take care of them> anyways my mom n dad r like YOUR ADDICTED and there was mad drama, but thats a different story...<im not addiicted to the computer i swear, i just like to go on itt>

*pictures scene from hackers* *joey takes a puff and sips his coffee* No really! i'm not an addict!

don't worry, we are all addicts here ;)

however, thats horrible :/ power tripping parents ftw. Luckily my parents chose the opposite strategy, and only getting slightly worried about the time i spent on the computer but still encouraging my talents. it does seem to be paying off now :D

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