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Posts posted by jollyrancher82

  1. The twist: The land is randomly divided up into areas, access to another area has to be threw a gate. No controls on it, but you have to travel to the gate to get to another area. But these walls randomly move and switch location, so area's that were once remote, are now next door & vice-versa This can also mean walls threw the middle of citys that used to be one.

    Now it's sounding like the Cube movies. :P

  2. I'd love to build a online game thats like Second Life meets The Matrix. You join it, and can live your online life (onlife?) anyway you want, but so can everyone else. If you make the map area the size of a small country you should get enough social dynmaic to police it. ie. you login and just start shooting people, eventually the police will shoot you. And you have to start again (make it the policy of the virtual state to give every 18yr old an apartment and some cash, and let them fend for themselves, when you get to old age you have to spend more time and money on rejuvination treatments or you will die).

    One thing though, anyone who posts a pre-rendered picture of an AK47 will be hunted down, and made to eat there computer.

    Sounds like an MMORPG that could be called "Life". I actually like the idea.

  3. Why do people care if its open source or not? How many people actually here download the source and use it?

    Closed source and free isn't bad either.

  4. I have a MSDN Premium Subscription and get full versions of everything Microsoft puts out but anything with express tagged onto it’s name should go in the bin.

    Not everyone wants to pay tons of money for something. If you're just a hobby programmer, and just want to mess around with code, I say use the express versions. Unless you want to pirate VS2005.

    /me shrugs

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