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Posts posted by jollyrancher82

  1. A hijacked thread, on the Hak5 forums?! No flippin way.

    zomg did anyone notice that they moved the header on digg.com down 6 pixels? this is totally kevin roses attempt to brainwash.

    </valley nerd voice>

    Only a true geek would notice that :-)

    Only a true uber geek would count the pixels.

  2. Apart from all the simple pro ninja reasons above ^

    as mentioned last night on the IRC... ninja's have DoIP! (Death over IP) powers... and therefore always win!

    Are you sure they have DoIP powers, or did you just make that up? Maybe we should ask someone in the ninja industry about that.

    Pirates don't need DoIP.. they have P2P networks, torrents, and leet ftp server access.

  3. whois, nmap, nessus, autoscan, netcat, ethereal/wireshark, metasploit, kismet, tcpdump, ssldump, dsniff, ettercap, nikto, aircrack, l0phtcrack, etc

    Basically all the stuff on nUbuntu 8)

  4. w/e i have friends who have like 50 poeples WOW accounts


    <sarcasm>WOW 50 Acc0untz th3y must b3 zo 1337.</sarcasm>

    <serious>Really that means they have 50 times less of a life as everyone else in the world.</serious>

  5. xachargychrihshshgjngdk what ever your name is.

    please dont try to intercept something you dont know the whole of.

    and please could you not tell me to grow up :)

    know me before you tell me to grow up please :)

    now dont get involved in shit you dont know whats going on.

    ...cuh tell me to grow up

    Melodic. Grow up please.

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