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Posts posted by jollyrancher82

  1. #include <stdio.h>
    #include "CClient.hpp"
    int main(int argc, char** argv)
        if (argc < 3)
            printf("t%s <hostname> <port>");
            return 0;
        CClient* pClient = new CClient();
        char* pszRecvMessage = new char[1024];
        pClient->Connect(argv[1], atoi(argv[2]));
        pClient->Send("GET / HTTP/1.1rn");
        pClient->Send("Accept: */*rn");
        pClient->Send("Accept-Language: plrn");
        pClient->Send("Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflatern");
        pClient->Send("Host: www.google.comrn");
        pClient->Send("Connection: Keep-Alivern");
        while (pClient->Recv(pszRecvMessage, 1023))
            printf("%s", pszRecvMessage);
        delete [] pszRecvMessage;
        delete pClient;
        return 0;

    This code was thrown together in a few minutes, and may contain errors (and missing class files which I don't share :))

    Feel free to pay me for the actual CClient.cpp and CClient.hpp code :)

    If you learn basic sockets on Windows, Linux, BSD, or whatever, what you want to do is pretty simple.

  2. God I guess everyone hates me now. I use 7. More features and IMO looks nicer to.I don't care that it has multiple files. And I love the media player so I can play .bin without haveing to burn them to a cd.

    VLC plays .bin

  3. As a final note on EON8.com, this guy and everyone who helped him are total bitches. I blogged about it, it just pisses me off when people think they have great insight into things who dont.

    http://leihai.com/blog/?p=3 - FUCK EON 8

    Before: everyone is interested in it and such.

    After: everyone who was interested now acts as if they knew what was going on, and calls it lame.

    Same old story.

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