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Posts posted by jollyrancher82

  1. Any games console can crash...

    You're just pointing out the Xbox360's crashes because they're made by Microsoft, and I doubt the Xbox360's crash is far from being an actual BSOD.

    Considering the amount of Xbox360's sold, and you showed 2 pictures most likely of the same crash. I think it's safe to say, more people have NOT had it crash than those who have.

  2. i must admit i like the m$ dashboard theey got going but ....

    i wil never get a microsoft console NEVER !!! its bad enough i have windows bsod-ing i feel no need wots so ever to see that on a console

    If you're comparing bad faults because of a company, then I don't think people will buy a PS3 because they don't want rootkits.

  3. I have no problem with how people talk on the Internet, I have problems with people who tell other people how to talk on the Internet. If I understand what people are saying or are trying to say I will attempt to help them. If I do not understand I won't help, nor will I tell them to go away and learn to type/speak proper English.

  4. I want to start this thread for seriously funny IRC quotes. Hopefully it can be stickied. Though it needs a set of rules to follow.

    1) The quote must be funny.

    2) You cannot quote yourself.

    3) Do not post quotes that are only funny out of context.

    Blah blah blah...

    openport | I don't click on links in #hak5 cuz you're all blackhats
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