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Everything posted by RogueHart

  1. thanks much guys. exactly what i needed
  2. ive recently upgraded to a new laptop. but i still use the old one for torrents and file storage. i was wondering if anyone knows of a way i can connect to the old laptop from my new one and view/control the torrents? ive got complete administrative access so it would be legal regardless of the method i used.
  3. firefox stays my default browser. was just posting it for all those people who have ping.fm or have tried to join ping.fm
  4. it builds in the sites to the browser and can update all of their blogs simultaneously, ect, ect, ect. its a browser built for these services. and it brings them all together either in the sidebar or on the page called myworld which is basicaly a display of all your rss feeds(it has a built in reader), friend updates(like twitter's), ect, ect. and being based off of firefox code its pretty compatible with firefox addons. to put it simply: ping.fm+firefox+extras=flock
  5. http://flock.com/ flock is a browser based off of firefox code so its a quality browser. but it centers around social sites like myspace, twitter, ect, ect. its got interfaces with these sites built in. i wont go into detail. need to get some sleep. just give it a try yourself. it has a nice little intro video for your first run.
  6. agreed. which is why i setup an ftp server on my old laptop lol. 500kbs usually more. which is much faster than my download speed. and since my old hd is only a 40 gig(with about 15-20 being personal files) and it only taking about an hour for 3 gigs its not the transfer speed thats got me lol
  7. gotta add crimson editor to my list. in my opinion crimson editor>notepad++
  8. we shall see who skools who. and i think switching between tdm, dm, and ctf would be more fun. ctf is my preferred mode
  9. i would actually like vista if it wasnt for 2 things 1: its slow at times. incredibly slow. waiting 20 minutes for an installer to start running is bullshit. 2: game compatibility. there are quite a few xp based games that will not play on vista which really pisses me off.
  10. those+ installing games and transferring files from old computer to new computer and then configuring vista. those are just the essential programs. not everything ive done to get my computer ready for use
  11. i got a new laptop recently (well its about a year old but its at least 2x more powerful than my old laptop in every way. 3x in hd after os. well i have spent about 10 hours so far downloading and installing and transferring essential programs to my new rig and i was wondering what everyone considers essential programs. my list winrar msn open office photoshop firefox winamp xfire audacity blitz3d vixy.net the kmplayer
  12. RogueHart


    well now lol. that explains why it was easy to pick up lol. im ready for that lan party.
  13. youll have to watch them on youtube if you want to get as far as the japanese showings. but i your watching the american stuff youll have to look for it. i think http://surfthechannel.com has some. we(or at least i) have been downloading from a fansubbing group dattebayo. but they only host 50 episodes at a time and the latest was 190.
  14. its an old joke but a good one lol.
  15. wolfenstein enemy territory is a game made by id software. its a standalone multiplayer game. with a server based system. its a game based on the quake 2 engine. it is 100% free and the source is everywhere across the net. making custom maps and mods is fairly easy with the sdk's that are out. but anyway. its a free first person shooter. its incredibly easy on gaming rigs. i was playing it very smoothly on my old laptop(512 meg ram with intel mobile m processor. 5 year old dell). it still looks good though and is a lot of fun once you really get into it. been a member of a gaming clan for about 2 years now. wolfet has a huge following and there are thousands of servers. its easy to setup a server as well. just click host game, and check "make dedicated server". thats all it takes to setup a home server. but anyway for more info check this site http://www.planetwolfenstein.com/enemyterritory/ and if you want good servers to play on check my clan's servers. http://fieldofbattles.org IMPORTANT NOTE: do not download the game files from the planetwolfenstein site. download the 2.55 version from my clan's site. 2.55 is a much more "fun" version than 2.6 which is a more competitive setup. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTmYx7KTOkI gameplay
  16. RogueHart


    lol i just installed it. it reminded me that wolfet is based on a quake engine lmao. similar game style. wolf et just uses the quake2 engine as opposed to q3.
  17. i dont hate the bleach fillers either but im sure glad they are over lol. though you gotta hand it to the filler crew. they found a way to start a story and clean up any loose ends. everyone either cut contacts or died by the end of the fillers so the story can continue like it never happened lol.
  18. anyone who downloaded bleach from dattebayo or watched their subs in some way. GREAT NEWS. the fillers have ended. ITS BACK ON TRACK!!!! episode 190. just downloaded and started watching. paused in order to post this. gonna keep watching now. pce edit just finished it. dont worry the sidebars are only temporary. most of the episode is flashbacks to remind everyone what happened right before the fillers started. they switched to widescreen AFTER the fillers started so they need the sidebars to hide the emptiness. once it gets to the new stuff the sidebars are removed.
  19. ive followed the stock market on occasion but dont have the cash to dabble. though i used to have a neopets account for the sole purpose of the virtual stock market lmao. side note: you know your a nerd when you see stock as the topic title and instantly thing super smash bro's
  20. RogueHart

    defacing is lame

    cant blame you. i would have done far more
  21. got a new laptop from my military parents. its a gateway from bestbuy but its a tad used. works great for the most part. other than running vista. now i would love to downgrade this to xp pro like my old laptop but i dont have a legal copy and i dont want to pirate it. so im gonna have to deal with vista(gonna dual boot linux at some point for development) since i play a lot of windows based games. my problem is this. im trying to install fear combat since this rig can actually handle the game. but everytime i try to run the installer it does nothing but slow down my system. doesnt show up in task manager processes. and never loads until my computer just crashes. this isnt the only exe file that its happened to on vista and its severely pissing me off. does anyone know what to do to fix this issue?\ edit: found solution myself after "running" it in compatibility with xp sp2 and waiting literally 20 minutes it finally ran and installed. the game itself runs fine now that its installed.
  22. oh yeah. sd card slot built in. the poor flash cart company ds sells are gonna tank lol
  23. everyone by now has heard of the game fear. well like wolfenstein enemy territory there is a stand alone multiplayer version of the game thats available for free. this is called fear combat. here is the site http://projectorigin.warnerbros.com/fearcombat/main important note ignore that it says cd key on the website and in the installation. just fill out a form and the key will be emailed to you. no this is not illegal. its basically forced registration and nothing else. the game is 100% free. after FINALLY playing it on this new laptop i realize its a very high quality multiplayer game. and it still retains some of the creepy factor of the real game. just play it for a bit. host your own game alone and run around. see if you dont catch yourself looking for some evil demon in the game lol. especially if youve got high quality headphones like mine. youll be looking everywhere lol. its a good game, its free, its FEAR.
  24. a couple years back maplestory was kickass. it ran incredibly smoothly(still does for me occasionally) and the 2d sidescrolling thing as far as i know is 1 of a kind as far as mmo goes. well other than crappy flash based ones
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