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    Philadelphia, PA

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  1. We have to debug/reverse engineer a program written in c called "bomb" It asks for a password and if you don't get it right, then it blows up. There are 4 levels you have to get through (4 passwords). I have run GDB on the program and this is all I have been able to come up with.... any help would be great! * Oh and found out c = 1 and v = 0xFFBFFBEC from within GDB int main (int c, char **v) { char buffer4[8]; char buffer3[8]; char buffer2[8]; char buffer1[8]; sleepfor = !getenv("accel") * sleepfor; prompt(); gets(buffer1); if (strcmp(buffer1, P1) == 0) click(); else kaboom(); prompt(); gets(buffer2); if ((buffer2[0] == P2[0]) && (buffer2[1] == P2[1]) && (buffer2[2] == P2[2]) && (strlen(buffer2) == 1<<2)) click(); else kaboom(); prompt(); gets(buffer2); if (strcmp(buffer3, P3) == 0) click(); else kaboom(); prompt(); gets(buffer4); if (fopen(buffer4,"r")) fizzle(); else kaboom(); return 0; }
  2. I'm so glad Rev 3 picked up HAK5! I used to love the show back when they first started but I lost track of it shortly after. I'm loving the 4th season and now I've got to go back and catch up on every episode! I just donated too. Keep up the great work guys!
  3. I have an old Buffalo wireless router that is able to be flashed with tomato or DD-WRT..... would Jasager run on this as well? I like the Fon routers, but I don't have $30 to shell out right now for it.
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