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Posts posted by Forkish

  1. On 6/29/2017 at 4:08 PM, b0N3z said:

    I had a hot day and the nano and battery were in a case similar to the tactical edition and it ran for about 4hrs and when I was done, I couldnt even pick up the battery it was so hot.  Probably not a good thing to do all the time as I fear more for the battery than the nano.  Wouldnt want a battery to get to hot and blow its lid.   I have cut out the top vents to make them more open and this weekend im going to pull the case apart and drill holes over the chips I put heatsinks on. 

    Left my nano with two in my bag for 6 hours while it was soaking up probes and I opened it up to two melted dongles and a warped USB hub. The nanon itself is a champ.

  2. Subconsciously affective words and names are a facinating thing. As such, some AP names stick out like a pirate at a daycare, some are as visually quiet as my pullup bar. Which ones do you notice more or pass over easily?

    I have a hard time noticing the SSID quadauq in a populated list. When visually scanning that list, my mind seems to pass over palindromic words more often than non-palindromic words. It could also be the wonky q's and d.

    Does any one have any info to share on great Inconspicuous words or SSIDs?

    what about the opposite direction? 

    Any SSIDs that you enjoy using that draw the eye and probably the NIC?

    The SSID attwifi is a surefire way to gather clients as people aren't drawn to it so much, but a huge number of devices sure are. I assume most of you know what all AT&T devices automatically connect to the hotspot attwifi (if I remember correctly; att_wifi, att wifi, att-wifi and capitalized combinations therein). I think there's also a pre-defined list for the other major players like tmobile and sprint phones. Othertimes I immagine  CITY WIFI would be a good one, which I assume is generic and plausible enough for the common man to shrug and connect.

  3. I don't know shit but this forum doesn't make me want to scrub my computer down everytime I lay down for bed; so I stick around.

    I would surmise that that the your linux box ia connected to the pineapple's wan port, which would filter out 'stuff' poking around inside your pineapples lan.  

    i.e. When you daisy chain routers lan to wan, the upstream routers [generally] can't see lan clients beneath them but the tail end ones can prod around all happy as a pig in shit.

    if you connect your bettercap box as a client or better yet, logged into your wlan1_0 AP and then see what happens.

    Again, You may as well be listening to that drunk at the bar who doesn't get that you're faced away for a reason. Hell, I don't even know what bettercap is. I can only assume it's a better version of ettercap; which I only know as 'that other module that fucks my network up'.

  4. On 6/24/2017 at 10:32 PM, ManosTheHackOfFate said:

    I used to use 1Password and was very happy with it, but it doesn't support all of the platforms I'm on.

    Then I discovered Enpass.  It supports a ton of platforms.  I've been on it now for about six months, and I've been reasonably happy with it.  It's similar to 1Password in a lot of ways.  I had no trouble importing my data.  My password database is encrypted and stored locally on all of my machines.  It's also stored encrypted on my NextCloud, which is how they all stay in sync.

    I currently have it running on Mac, Windows, and Linux.  I'll be adding it to my phone soon.  The desktop versions are free.  The mobile version is $10.

    Here's a PC Magazine review from a couple of years ago.

    You sound like a Verified User.

    • Upvote 1
  5. On 5/27/2017 at 10:27 PM, b0N3z said:

    @bored369 like Darren said in one of the post. " Just because they put an output on the battery doesnt mean thats what it is. They can put 5v2.4a and it might only be 5v1a."  there is no regulation on this so for the most part buy batteries that are made by a trusted brand and if your worried about it test to see that its actually putting out that power.   I use 1 20100mah 5v3.4a and 1 22000mah 5v2.4a just to be safe.  

    I suggest picking up one or two of these usb power monitors. I love mine


    For some reason my barrel port stopped working. I've tried three different chargers. The one that I was using when it went out had a little light on the front when there was power running through it and it stopped lighting up.  Is there any way to debug it via CLI? Daisy chained batteries works but I feel wife judging my Box-o-Batteries tetra setup as I lug it to-and-fro about the property. 

    She called me out last week after walking in on me sitting on the bedroom floor surrounded by piles of wifi peripherals, playing out various dongle-adapter combinations. She laughed pointing out I looked like an 8 year old girl dressing up her dolls.

  6. On 6/20/2017 at 0:58 PM, Hello_Fellow said:


    I have my Wi-Fi Pineapple up and running on my PC and I now want to use it to sniff Wi-Fi packets between my Android Phone & an access point to which my Android Phone is connected.

    How do I get this think to work as a sniffer ?






    Plug it in..

    • Like 1
  7. On last weeks security now, the anouncer guy was this younger heavy set hispanic/simoan looking guy, younger who was wearing the Catholic Priest collar. I guess he's the normal on a seperate TWIT podcast (I watch the podcast because my 3yr old daughter asks about watching the TV and I respond with sing/hum 'Security now..' and she quickly breaks down, 'I can't want to watch Steve Gibsons..').

    He mentioned that he uses a burner and recently came back into the country and he was scruitinized for not having the fingerprint scanner enabled and apps like Onedrive and google drive setup on the phone already.

    Also What's it mean presently and for the future type for people without social media accounts? Or for the 20-30 unicorn of a person who doesn't do e-mails and the interweb? Maybe eventually the lines will break down into: the ultra wealthy (but not wealthy enough to bypass the airport), Amish/Mennonite/Benedictine Monks, and everyone else.

  8. According to a discount whois scalping system, http://nsanamegenerator.com was updated 9 days ago to a pile of shit parking lot. It was my favorite nsa related thing in my life 

    Any one have a comperable site for me to get my 'bluegillincome' and 'tankerballerina' level of generated name?

    /spent more time looking for musical note characters for this post than I've ever spent looking for name generators.

    //rolls the dice to win a dice rolling game

    ///anyone ever play Shut The Box?

  9. Has any one else tried SaasPass? I went from writing all mine down in a book to SaasPass so my experience is limited. Coupled with my limited knowledge of what qualifies as a quality Password manager, i could be skinny dipping in a swamp. I would enjoy hearing another forum members thoughts or experiences on it.  

    Tangent: any one have any thoughts on Steve Gibson's SQRL that he's been working on? Some people think of him as a turd; similar to Ken Rockwell with some photographers. I like them both, very knowledgable. But they both go well with small doses of salt.

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