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Posts posted by Forkish

  1. Get a gently used Acer CB3-431 on ebay. Install kali or the like. I believe They can have upwards of 200gb hd and 4+ ram. Not sure if their bios are the easily replaced ones but for a 14" <4lbs laptop with 10+ hours for less then $200 it'a not a shabby deal. 


    Dell e6330 are small and can be extremely cheap for a nice little laptop. Right now there are several 13" i7 128gb HD 6gb ram ones for less then $40 bucks. Plus they often have windows 7 with I consider a better OS then most out there.

  2. Line by line through the registry?

    Replace hardware with fresh/new duplicate hardware and look for changes in registry/management policies?

    Inspecting full packet TCPdump before,during and after the first two?

    Self inflict high dollar ransom ware and let the higher ups deal with it?

    Somehow, some way (but still understandibly) the laptop finds itself in saltwater or an emp..?

    Trust that good things always come after bad things, it's the timeframe that we hate.

    good luck.

  3. On 4/13/2017 at 7:07 PM, sbb said:

    Awesome, thanks for the detailed response. I assumed as much with what I had mentioned but was curious of peoples implementations that went outside the scope of the Pineapple Wifi UI using the actual hardware / antennas for other things.

    I didn't think about the 3rd antenna to essentially route traffic to an AP that I was currently connected to, I will have to look up some hardware for that.

    The issues and trouble I have had trying to even get a client seem like they are coming from iOS and MacOS. I run this thing in my own home and guests connect to it just fine. However, when trying to use things like SSL Strip, Safari freaks out because of the HSTS protocols and wont even load stuff which makes 95% of all the sites and apps unusable. I saw a topic for MANA and I am installing it now to see if I can get that working.

    One big thing that I have learned so far that may help onlookers is that if you are using this at home, chances are your neighbors connections will be stronger and more trusted than that of your PineAP so they will probably not connect. Unless you are able to Deauth them enough to fall back on a public once they have associated with before that you are re-broadcasting, however I have been unsuccessful at that. Best use case I could think of would be out in a public place where no one is at their home/trusted wifi so the chances of them connecting to your AP is much greater, especially when it is throwing up SSID's for the probes their devices are sending out.

    Of course, I may be doing something wrong but in my first week of playing with it, thats the conclusion I have came up with so far. Would be great at a grocery store, Hotel, Airport, coffee shop etc. Keep in mind all the legal blah implications that could come with such thing but probably will have better results than trying to get nearby neighbors.

    When I first started, I started a thread as sort of my own way of tracking information I found useful. I've taken many breaks from the pineapple but I keep coming back. I haven't posted to the thread lately but please feel free to use it for the same. I hope this helps you.


    On 4/20/2017 at 6:45 PM, khanbari said:

    Antenna upgrade of Nano. 

    Hi experts, 

    I'm looking to upgrade the antenna for my nano, any suggestions on the possible limitation and the supported brand. 


    The panel antenna's are fantastic for 'soaking up the landscape' as another poster said.  The stock antenna are fantastic because they're essentially a bubble of wifi. Anything taller/more will start to strengthen but flatten out the signal requiring slight forthought into your positioning and possible targets.  Good luck!

  4. Legality can easily cross lines, for example via employment contracts or ownership rights.  The users here wear white hats, sometimes sideways or backwards.  If something is deemed less than white, it's often locked down.  Otherwise, intelligent questions and  sincere replies recieve the quality attention.  Good luck.

  5. 6 hours ago, digip said:

    I had posted a link about this on twitter, there are ways to block these phishing sites. FF has an about:config setting, while Opera and Chrome, you need an extension to warn you.


    Thanks for the chrome heads up

  6. Found this on Lobste.rs:


    A nugget


    Punycode makes it possible to register domains with foreign characters. It works by converting individual domain label to an alternative format using only ASCII characters. For example, the domain "xn--s7y.co" is equivalent to "短.co".

    From a security perspective, Unicode domains can be problematic because many Unicode characters are difficult to distinguish from common ASCII characters. It is possible to register domains such as "xn--pple-43d.com", which is equivalent to "аpple.com". It may not be obvious at first glance, but "аpple.com" uses the Cyrillic "а" (U+0430) rather than the ASCII "a" (U+0041). This is known as a homograph attack.

    Chrome was the only broswer on my iPhone that gave me an apple.com url.  Might be an interesting thing to use on the pineapple if possible.

  7. NetworkToolbox - Network scanning and analyzing by Marcus Roskosch https://appsto.re/us/9wa2M.i


    Shits extensive.

    I don't pay for apps willy-nilly, this one has not failed to impress.  Heres a list of it's features:


    Features of NetworkToolbox

    NetworkToolbox main screeen

    Scan your local home- or corporate-network within seconds. Explore all connected devices and get a complete picture of your network.

    Over 26 individual tools are available to analyze your network, to perform various security checks or even connect to devices on your network.


    Network scan

    The included Network scanner runs repeated scans to get the most accurate results. To prevent from being detected by Firewalls or IDS (Intrusion detection systems), the scanned addresses are selected randomly.

    For the fastest possible speed, scans will be performed in hundreds of concurrent tasks at the same time. This results in the fastest and most reliable scan results compared to any other app.

    Devices, found by the Network scanner can be further analyzed by scanning for services using the Portscan tool. Portscans may reveal known and unknown (hidden) services of devices.

    All tools are highly integrated. Wherever you want to dig deeper into the results of one tool, a single tap will allow you to open the internal browser, start a telnet or FTPsession, ping the host, get information about a SSL certificate, perform certain security checks and more.

    Scan results can also be logged and multiple scans can be compared to each other. This way, it is easy to find out, if devices have been addedremoved or changed between two scans.




    If you are not a network expert, don’t worry and don’t be scared. NetworkToolbox makes it easy for you to dig into those networking details.

    Several included How-To’s and Guides will show you how easy it is, for instance, to perform an open-port analysis. By this, you will be able to quickly scan your home network to find ports that are unintentionally open to the web. Such ports will often be used by cyber criminals to break into your internal network.

    The app also includes Video tutorials, samples and other learning resources.

    Each tool also has a comprehensive Help text that explains the purpose of each tool and how to use it.

    Last but not least, a Glossary is included that explains terms from A like “Access control” to Z like “Zero day”.



    NetworkToolbox also includes a telnet or SSH terminal which allows you to connect to linux devices, routers with telnet interfaces or any other telnet or SSH device.


    SHODAN is a search engine that lets you find specific computers (routers, servers, etc.). SHODAN can be seen as a public port scan directory.

    Web search engines, such as Google and Bing, are great for finding websites. But what if you’re interested in finding computers running a certain piece of software (such as Apache)? Or if you want to know which version of Microsoft IIS is the most popular? Or you want to see how many anonymous FTP servers there are? Maybe a new vulnerability came out and you want to see how many hosts it could infect? Traditional web search engines don’t let you answer those questions.

    SHODAN is fully integrated in NetworkToolbox.

    In addition to SHODAN, NetworkToolbox integrates it’s own Device scanning engine called Morpheus. Like SHODAN, Morpheus runs on a distributed network of scanning engines around the world and can be queried from inside NetworkToolbox.



    The above just shows a fraction of the possibilities of NetworkToolbox. Below is a list of features. This list may already incomplete because NetworkToolbox is being extended and updated continuously.

    If you are missing a feature or have questions, please feel free to ask.

    •  Local device and network information
      • Local and public IP address
      • Network Gateway and DNS Server addresses
      • WiFi network information
      • Cell network information
    • Shodan and Morpheus search engines
    • DNS lookup
      • Reverse DNS lookup
      • IP Geo-Location
      • Provider information
      • MX, NS, SOA DNS Server record information
    • Graphical PING
    • Network Scan
      • Shows Device Type
      • MAC address
      • Device Network name
      • Device Vendor
      • Individual names can be assigned
    • Port Scan
      • Individual port ranges
    • Traceroute
    • Telnet client
    • FTP client
    • SSH client
    • SFTP client
    • HTTP Header analyzer
    • Internal Webbrowser
      • Individual User-Agents to mimic iPhone, Windows PC, Mac
      • Individual Mime types
      • Standard password test function
      • HTTP traversal exploit test function
      • Source display with syntax highlighting
      • XML browser
    • Website Spider
    • WEB-Service analyzer
      • Individual Endpoint, Service header and body
      • GET, PUT, POST methods
      • XML, JSON, plain-text
      • SOAP, REST support
      • Results will be displayed in a drill-down browser
    • SSL Certificate inspector
    • Bonjour scanner
    • Bluetooth LE (4.0) scanner
    • Port forward tool
    • MAC address database
    • IP address calculation
    • Security check tool
      • Router exploit tests
      • mongoDB exploit test
      • and more
    • Mail server check
      • Reports mail client settings
      • Identifies mail server issues
    • Glossary
    • Logbook
      • To collect scan results
      • To remember Addresses and links
      • To compare two scan results and find differences
    • Ability to integrate external apps
      • For instance, your preferred VNC or SSH app can be fully integrated
    • Support URL-Scheme
      • Other apps can call NetworkToolbox e.g. to use the WebService tool
    • Additional resources and links
      • Vulnerability databases
      • Exploit archive
      • Internet Storm Center
    • and definitely much more…
  8. I was passivly collecting SSIDs and utilizing it for extended wifi range while at work. After 6 hours or so I noticed I lost internet connection but got busy and forgot about it. Two hours later back in the car I see the LEDs are still working, the battery pack is half full but no web. Shut down the pineapple and drive.  I get home  and  and pull the hub out and the a ralink dongle just sort of collapse out of the slot. As if exhausted to death. Looking closer, the second ralink and the mini hub are wonky warped.  Heres a few pictures.

  9. Assuming The firmware is up todate, Before anything else I set timezone, clear temp pages, format SD card (if with nano), randomize mac addresses and then reset.

    After connecting to internet The foremost modules I download is tcpdump, papers, cabinet, nmap, p0f (even though I don't know how to interpret the results, it seems hugely important) and log manager. If I have more time, responder, deauth, urlsnarf and dnsmasq.

    and then usually I try to find a specific code amongst the many notes I've saved somewhere on the several platforms I thought pivotal at the time of saving.

    From that point my thought train splinters into countless questions, thoughts of what could be done differently and regret on using the 'wrong' dongle/adapter/antenna/batterpack/pack to hold it/time management style...

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  10. I've been listening to Timothy ferris lately. He interviews people in the top of their field and tends to ask similar questions.  One of the questions he asks everyone is, 'What's your morning routine like?'. I thought of this place and I wanted to ask a similar question.

    After a factory reset or new Pineapple.  What are the first few things you make sure to set up? Possible downloads,pivotal  settings used most often, ect..

    I'm not looking for your life story or secrets but a little insight to quality people. Hopefully someone you don't detest can benefit, even if marginally. Have a beautiful day when you read this.

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